Comedk counselling 2024|COMEDK cut off 2024|Comedk Cutoff|Comedk rank vs college|Comedk cut off 2023

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Рекомендации по теме

How is alliance university banglore sir


Please review
Ai and robotics
In Bangalore institute of technology


3461 rank comedk best college in banglore cse please


Sir my son got 9k rank will he get seat unser top 10 colleges? Plz reply sir


Sir, my daughter got 17 k.can i expect top 10 colleges??


Sir, my son's rank is 7348 in general merit, what will be the best college & branch according to his rank will be?


Which one is good option for cse in 49k rank


Sir for obc category what or the documents required plz rrlyy


14994 rank in comedk
can I get CSE Branch in top 5 college


Sir can i get PES college of engineering for 27k rank


Can I get mechanical at 49k rank top 5 colleges???


Sir I got 24k can I get ece in Dayanand sagar


Sir my combedk rank 57622 hai koi colleges milega CSE, ISE low fees colleges


Sir with a rank of 29643 what are the good colleges that I can get for ece branch ??


Sir my rank is 19877 should i go for counselling? Will i get cse in good colleges? With low fees too


Please Sir can u suggest me a decent college with cse or ece or with cse specialization on 55k rank


sir I got 37k can I have kkr go for cse branch or ece top 15 colleges
