Black Feminist Thought by Patricia Hill Collins | Book Discourse

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Let's talk about feminism, specifically African American feminism. Have you heard about this specialized social study? Do you not think such a field of thought is necessary? Let's discuss why such specialized social studies are necessarily critical to stopping oppression based on discrimination.

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"Sunshine and Drums" by San
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Thank you so much for covering Black Feminism. As a white middle class male I genuinely believe that reflections and analysis from a viewpoint radically different from my own is essential to understanding oppression, how I contribute to those systems of oppression and how to destroy them. To me feminism has always been a self evident proposition, of course women are subjugated by men, no it is not biologically determined. However it is disappointing and infuriating to read comments that blatantly disregard the entire history of half the human race and twist it to somehow make men out to be the victims, quite an unbelievable scenario! As a student of biology I can tell you that there is nothing inherent about the sexes that infers special societal status on men. And as a reader in history it is plainly obvious that women have received the worst aspects of human power and cruelty. Sadly even getting men to recognise that sexism exists is hard enough, let alone getting men to think critically about their behaviour.


I really appreciated your analysis of this book, its in our library and its refreshing to see a black man speaking on the issues that affect half of our population and truly our population in its entirety. I wish everyone studied and implemented this knowledge


you explain things in such a great way! this helped me so much with my paper! ❤


Great video, thanks. Remember that people who comment on youtube videos aren't representative of the general population!
Keep making the videos, I love them


This was a really thoughtful synthesis of the ideas in Collins' book. I especially appreciated the comparison to Kant's work. One of the things I really like about Collins is the way she opens up black feminist thought by expanding the definition of intellectuals beyond academics to those who may lack a college education or those who may be fiction authors or musicians. I think it's important that everyone be exposed to feminist thought, not just those who go to college.


Great commentary. I couldn’t believe that this was 7 years ago.


I bet your mom and grandma are so proud of you.


I'm sincerely in love with you right now! It's incredibly refreshing to witness a Black man empatheticly embrace Black feminist thought.You truly possess compassion, emotional maturity, and comprehension of contextualization. You also display a desire to witness the upliftment of all Black people (regardless of gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, etc), not just heterosexual, cisgender Black men. I will definitely share this video! <3  Thank you for your content!


feminism is want women stand for intersectional feminism is what black women stand up for.


I don't completely agree with your interpretations of the book... here Collins is not focusing upon black feminism but on Black feminist stand point . Moreover... u didn't mention anywhere the Struggles based on class. Patricia puts light on differences based on race, class and gender.


Finally reading the book. I am having some trouble understanding Collins’s black feminist four epistemological tenets. 1) lived experiences as a criterion of meaning 2) the use of dialogue in assessing knowledge claims 3) ethics of caring 4) ethics of personal accountability. Dude can you help me understand this?


Equality of opportunity vs outcome. Whats your opinion?


Basically 'full group membership' for feminists includes the trait of 'whiteness'. Pretty much straight from the book.

So, if I'm to understand this correctly, the book says that white feminists are racists.




How did I know this guy was raised without a father before he said it?


From the comments, you apparently are a male "success" story. If you understood the reality of being born a Black man, you would have a different perspective. Black feminism is diametrically opposed to Black men "struggles". Lastly, discrimination is nothing more than the recognition that "appropriate" has to be determined by specific criterion. Example, children are discriminated from being adults.

If you was honest with yourself, you would have noticed that it's anti-male. The point is you cannot be a man that places significance on the male experience, and not offend feminists, because they see masculinity as intrinsically enemy oriented. Challenge - do this same "analysis" with the inclusion of Black men as relevant.
