DM To DF - My Urgent Truth 😍 Twin Flame Reading

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DM To DF - My Urgent Truth 😍 Twin Flame Reading

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💛 Divine Masculine Dark Truths by Liz Harrison

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Guided By Angels Goodies, The Merchandise

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So beautiful how your face lit up when you talked about getting married to George. My heart sparks joy seeing so much love and how you are able not to rush anything or put pressure on him ❤ God bless the both of you


Yes my 💙Jim (message for him only)
I fill you too I miss you waiting for you
Patiently take time heal have faith hope
Stay strong stand in what you believe
And don’t let any one tell you different
Keep in prayers ask God help you
Guide in you steps I’m let you heal
I’m here for you when you ready
Take care of your self be safe
God bless you always in my thoughts
Prayers yours truly forever 👩🏻🙏🏻💙🕊


I don't care about anything else I just want her!! Us our union our soul family 👪 ❤ 🏡🧿


I had trouble falling asleep last night because of could feel him missing me really bad 🙏🏻💖


I won't rush, pressure or chase DM while he's entertaining a karmic in which i seen with my own eyes.... this is a great message.... allow him to move the way he wants but don't stop living DF's....


😍 love the reading! Very guiding, right on point


This makes me tear up, and I felt this in the pit of my stomach. Thank you for this message.


The garden is full of spiders in their webs.
I pulled a leaf off the other day as the spider was trying hard to get this leaf away as it brought too much attention to its environment. I am sure it was a relief that it had support to remove this obstruction. It felt good to help this creature out 💕💜🙏


Thank you so much Liz Angel 🙏🥰Beauuutiful message💞
God Bless you and George and your union forever ❤️❤️❤️😘


I was drawn to this Liz, thankyou for this! You always make me feel better 💕
We had an intense connection from the start, I was mind blown at the beginning of the relationship when he asked me "do you believe in twin flames" 🤯 ... we think in sync, he told me I am the Ying to his Yang.. suddenly when he fell in love with me I sensed he felt pressure from being in a relationship due to past trauma and hurt. He ended things abruptly.. but i have loved him enough to let him go. However everything in this video clarified exactly what I am feeling. I don't want him to feel pressured. I want him to feel loved and like his own man. Hopefully he will realise this.



Thank you beautiful Lizzy for this amazing reading.🥰 Iam waiting with patience for my DM to message me in Divine timing.🙏 Meanwhile I am standing in my power shining my light brightly and guiding him home where he truly belongs 🙏❤️😇💍🥰 I had Angel bumps when you mentioned that you and George are talking about marriage!😇💍❤️ So beautiful!!😍 Love it!💛 You are such a beautiful amazing power couple! God bless your union forever 🙏😇💛🥰 Love you angel 💛😇😘


Yes he sure did message me today!! He wanted to see me but couldn’t today . We going to try to see each other this weekend. I always let him reach out when he’s ready! Beautiful message ! Thank you Liz ♥️💫😇


Beautiful and heart touching. Could feel it so deeply.😊💖


Amazing.. you know us ladies want the love and commitment of our DM
like But knowing they have a lot more on their minds this reading is spot on and so true... You are the best.
Thank you 💓


In really love listening to you. You have a real, soft and giving gift. Thank you!!


Stomach butterflies and gut feeling increased. Thank you Liz 😘😊😘


Thank you so much Beautiful Liz ❤️🙏🏽Amazing!! Hope you’ve had a wonderful day ❤️🙏🏽Love you ❤️🙏🏽🔥🔥😇🌈🌻🥰😘


Thank you, right after watching video about the spider today, I went and took a shower and as soon as I stepped out of the shower a spider ran across the floor.... :)


I was just having a conversation with a reader friend of mine about my DM that went like this....pressure is the thing I've always struggled the most with with her...have had to learn the hard way many times to back up, recently included. It's really hard, but I know I have to if I want this union to happen. Thanks for the confirmation on this Liz, and all the best to you and George regarding any wedding in the future. I'm sure it'll happen when he is ready. :)


Dear Liz thank you so much for this beautiful reading 😘 you’re helping us so so much.
Also because you read our comments amd replies and also guides everyone here. You’re such a beautiful EarthAngel. I have so much respect for everything you’re doing. Thank you for all the unconditional love your giving 😘🤗

I’d love to see you getting married surrounded by all the other 143.999 twinflames in the future 😎🔥💃🏻❤️🕺🏻💋😍💐🙏😇😇😇
