Tổ hợp Tên lửa phòng thủ bờ biển cơ động cao Rubezh-ME | Rubezh-ME Coastal Defense Missile System

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#RubezhME #CoastalDefenseMissile #Russia
Tổ hợp Tên lửa phòng thủ bờ biển cơ động cao Rubezh-ME.

Missile ship on wheels

►Substantial fire power.
►Possibility to have various configuration and composition.
►Substantial maneuverability.
►Grate survivability, covertness and resistance to countermeasures.

Target designation and combat systems are installed on one platform so that Rubez – ME can be used either as a single combat unit or as a group of up to 8 vehicles.
Thanks to the composition of the system, current tactical situation and assigned combat task, various configurations of armament and technical equipment with flexible fire control can be formed.
Rubez – ME coastal defence system can effectively combat against surface ships in littoral areas using minimized composition of armament and technical means.

Mass of the launcher unit, t: 26
Maximum speed, km/h: 75
Crew, men: 2
Range of fire, km: 260
Ammunition load, missiles: 4
Missile’s speed, М: 0,85
Target detection range:
by an active radar, kmup to: 100
by a passive radar, kmup to: 450

Source image in video: Combat Approved
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