Creating Multiple Price List for Your Wholesale Business.

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How would you like to apply different price lists to different customers at different times?

It's all possible with EMERGE App!

At the main menu click on Customers, Price List and then the New Price List button.

Give your new price list a name, a code and the default currency it should use.

If you're creating a seasonal or time-limited promotion for your customer, enter the date range.

Next, select whether this price list applies to all customers or to a specific customer.

For landed costs, EMERGE App will automatically distribute your shipping and additional costs proportionally to the cost of each of your product in your purchase order.

Seeing the landed cost price helps you to quickly calculate markups and the ideal price of your product to sell to different customers.

Start adding products to your price list by clicking on Add Product.

Select the categories, products and any variants that you wish to add to the price list and click on the Add Product button.

The selected products will be added to the price list.

If you're offering discounts to your best customers, choose whether the price should be discounted by a fixed amount or percentage.

For the percentage field, you can also markup a product by entering a number greater than 100.

For example, entering 90 will give the customer a 10% discount while a number of 120 will markup the selling price by 20%.

You can add another tier of products and discounted pricing by clicking on the New Price button.

Otherwise, click Save.

Now, let's see how you can apply your new price list to your customers.

Go to Sales, Sales Orders and then click on New Sales Order.

After selecting a customer, your new price list will appear in the drop-down list at Price List.

Finally, while we've been talking about customer price lists so far, you can manage supplier price lists by going to Suppliers and then Price List.

Click on New Price List to start creating your supplier price lists.

Congratulations! You've just learnt about how to create and manage price lists in EMERGE App.

Now, it's your turn to create your custom price lists!
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