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Today I'm sharing a typical morning routine for us as a family of 6.
I hope it inspires you!

I use these vitamins for the kids:
Morning Quiet time:
Clothing Details:

#morningroutine #momoffour #mennonitemom
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❤️ Source List:
Dining Room:
Table: Article (seno oak)
Chairs: unknown

Living Room:

The Cabinet Color: Ripe Olive (Sherwin Williams)
Countertops : Quartz (Flutter)

Master Bedroom:
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Thanks for watching! Here’s the links to things I mentioned:
Morning Quiet time:
The Daily Grace
Clothing Details:


My grandma always said when a child is hungry they will eat. You are doing a wonderful job with your children. No child comes with directions. God gives us wisdom n knowledge how to deal with each child. Blessings to you n your family.


Thanks for including the free concert, praising the Lord. That was so sweet :)


So beautiful to hear children lifting their voices to the Lord! Such a sweet concert! Thank y'all for sharing your morning! God bless!!!❤️🙏🏼


Growing up I could never eat breakfast right away and I know my Grandkids are like that. I wouldn’t stress over it. I love vlogs like these.


Thanks for the concert, my husband walked in the house from work and had to stop to listen and said: their innocence, specially in the middle of all the turmoil going on in the world and to listen to their voices praising God is beautiful” next thing you know I had an “allergy attack”🥹🥹 LOL. May God always watch over them and your whole family, this is what families need to focus on, make Christ the center of the home. 🙏🏻


I think it’s great that you’re teaching your boys to be responsible around the house and help with their sisters. They seem very sweet and patient with the little ones.


I rise by 4am - haven't used an alarm in over 25 years, just wake up at that time no matter what time I go to bed. I usually start a load of laundry and empty the dishwasher. I then go to my comfortable chair and read my bible & devotions, pray. Hubby is up by then and he starts his day while I'm finishing laundry. We then exercise and eat our breakfast around 10-11am and continue with picking up around the house/yard or work on a home project. My son was the opposite, he ate a big breakfast (eggs, toast, bacon or sausage) or (biscuits and gravy with sausage).


Ah, folding laundry .... saw a sign recently that said "Laundry: Wash 1 hr. Dry 1 hr. Fold and put away 7-10 business days"!!! You're doing a great job as mom. I'm 65 and still can't eat breakfast until 3 hours after I'm up. Trust me, the boys will live!! ❤❤😊


Love hearing the children singing into the Lord, that was so heartwarming🥰 I enjoyed the video and thank you for sharing real life with us😊


I was the youngest of 4 kids. My mom was good at assigning age appropriate chores for us. My first real chore was folding the towels and washcloths. I got really good really fast, LOL. My husband watches me sometimes and always comments on how fast I am at folding and how neat. I told him that if it wasn't up to my Mom's standards I had to refold it all. Not just the bad ones but all of them! Yep, I got good really fast. It was nice and nostalgic seeing your daughter folding the clothes.


You mentioned your boys usually don’t like to eat first thing. I used to fight with my son when he was younger about eating in the mornings before school because I was just sure it was gonna affect his learning capabilities. I finally quit and let him choose. It turns out that his digestive system actually righted itself by me letting him choose when he ate and it also affected his metabolism in a positive manner. It taught me the value in sometimes Listening to my children when they really don’t want to do something. 😅


It's nice to see a mother with well behaved and respectful children cooperating and having a nice day together.


Enjoyed your very natural morning routine vlog. Your oldest son made me laugh with his sleepy “ peace” hand signal as he looked into the camera. I always had a make up your bed routine with my kids from the time they were little. Same with my bed. I can’t stand to leave the house with unmade beds:) Thanks for showing that laundry is a never ending chore. We are so blessed we have washing machines and dryers now.


I love this type of video. You were singing Deep and Wide, that was a song we sang in Bible School and Sunday School sooo many years ago. It brought back so many memories. I am 71 so you know that has been a while.


I find such peace in watching your videos. I agree that having a routine is best. You are so good at taking care of your large family. God bless!


I'm a empty nester of 9 kids (3 in heaven) & 6 we raised. Really appreciate seeing so many great channels like your on YouTube sharing life of a mom with kids at home! I'm a really riser at 5 am myself to get things done around my home. The songs you sang were ones I sang in church as a kid, I hadn't heard them in a long time & it was so sweet to hear them again.


I was so happy to see you singing with your little girls. You are establishing something that will be with them forever. I am almost 77 years old and I can still remember my father singing Jesus Loves Me and Deep and Wide with me when I was the age of your girls. I had never heard Building Up the Temple but I remember This Little Light of Mine and at least a verse or two of Amazing Grace and Old Rugged Cross and other hymns. "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." I can personally attest to the validity of that scripture. This is also true of songs you are teaching your little ones so well done. You are giving your children an excellent foundation.


That little concert was adorable. Reminds me of my mother and me singing the very same songs.


Your videos give such inspiration. I feel happier in my own life after watching today…didn’t realize I needed the Lord as much as I did!! Thank you and God Bless! ❤
