JACK OF ALL TRADES! UPDATED DPS & Support Mona Build Guide [Best Artifacts and Weapons Explained]

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0:00 Introduction
0:41 Playstyles
2:47 Kit Overview (Detailed, Burst Explained)
6:26 Constellations (Are They Bugged?)
8:40 Best Weapons for DPS Mona
11:08 Best Weapons for Support Mona
12:46 Artifacts for DPS Mona (All Playstyles)
17:02 Artifacts for Support Mona (How Much ER)
19:35 Example Builds
20:08 Final Thoughts


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Mona C1 freeze extend doesn't work my testing just had a weird unknown variable idk what happened.

I PERSONALLY don't like ToM Mona because it makes awkward rotations and doesn't have 100% uptime. But if your team snapshots buffs, uptime doesn't matter too much. It's not a bad choice, but I wanted to clarify more on why I don't care for it.


I pulled Mona on my first ten pull of the entire game. Mained her until around AR48 and was my first level 90. I’m now AR58, and haven’t gotten a single other copy of her


out of the standard banner 5 star characters, Mona is the only who has not only kept her utility, but has also gotten stronger over the updates. The Emblem of Severed Fate was made for Raiden, but Mona pretty much has similar types of scaling so as a result, Mona received a huge buff as well.


[12:34] For those who were around at Version 2.5 *Oathsworn Eye* is an amazing choice for support Mona, as it gives 48% ER after using her "E" while also giving quite a ton of flat and % ATK (which isn't _copium_ by any means, as going for 200~250ER and 50/100+ Crit value at the same time would be a huge investment that not even necessarily pays off at the end). It may change her rotation a bit for certain comps but is really optimal otherwise.


This is the best guide I've seen on Mona in nearly 2 years of my search. Not just among other videos, but above detailed write-ups too. This video is very efficient but still technical with precisely what players need to know. Mona is the most complex character in Genshin, so this video is really the best of the best.


I finally built Mona after almost two years of pulling her. Playing the apple archapelago again and playing her story quest made me have more appreciation for her character. Have her at C6 with Widsith. I never knew how much fun she is dashing around water bombing enemies. Currently at level seventy. But planning to level her to 90.


Mona was my very first 5-star! She's been with me since forever and carried me through the lower ar ranks and she's still very present in my teams today. She's the first character I ever crowned and I've invested so much into her.


Currently building my C2 Mona with Skyward Atlas and 4pc Emblem set. With ER at 263% she's sitting at 120% Hydro dmg bonus, so I'm pretty pleased with the results.


5:46 this also means that emblem stacks on top of that, meaning ER is actually one of the best things to build her with, making her a comfortable character to play.


I'm super honored to be part of Brax's video, he is one of my favorite content creators in terms of character analysis and guides!


Thank you for the clarification on her C1, as well as some of the more subtle mechanics to her Burst and Omen.

From a character and visual design standpoint, Mona is easily one of my favorite characters in the game, and her EN voice is honey to my ears. Personally speaking, I wish her Charge Attack was a little snappier, and that her Normals and Skill had a bit better AOE and scaling, but that's small potatoes. I'd also like something different for her C6, but it will probably be years before I manage to get that.


I have been wanting to use Mona in my teams again recently, and tbh I've been waiting for this video before I actually built her, so thanks, Brax. I appreciate it


Yanfei + Mona is probably one of my favorite pairings in the game. Hope to see them in the team video!


"Mona is underrated because of Kokomi existing."

As a Kokomi Main, that's really wild to hear, usually Mona's the one getting the praise.


Mona is great. She was the first character I got when I wished on the beginner banner and she helped me through early and mid game all the way until I finished the Liyue story. I triple crowned her to show my appreciation for her character and design and have no regrets. She’s just wonderful.

That being said, I’ve lost 14 50/50s in total on the limited character banner and only one of those gave me a Mona. She’s elusive and I think it’s because Mihoyo knows I like her so much.


Separating the builds from the team comps is a good idea! If you're doing a separate video for team comps of different characters, I think that'll help a lot to have a more detailed suggestion for builds AND team comps! Your guides are awesome, and I can't wait to see more of your content! <3


Be careful when using the skyward atlas, as the passive can pop the omen before you can use vaporize for big dmg. Not that big of a deal on freeze teams though


There is a little trick I discovered that can abuse the shimenawa 4 piece bonus, the oathsworn eye's passive or whatever passive requires you to cast the E. Basically you can cancel the E by tapping it and shortly dashing immediately after. It still counts as casting without actually having the phantom on field. This can help with big vapes without worrying for the phantom to mess things up.


🌸😆I must ask forgiveness in advance of my utterance for I could not help but compare 0:03 - 0:08 to 1:55 -1:58, the two sentiments conflict😆🌸


Lost Kazuha to Mona on my first 50/50. Was just looking for a guide yesterday.

Thanks, this will ease the pain.
