The Body In The Toilet | The Bizarre Case of Naoyuki Kanno

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Naoyuki Kanno was found inside the septic tank of an unsuspecting female teacher's toilet and the police labeled him a peeping tom. If this was the case, why did over 4000 people sign a petition to have the case reopened?

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If the body was a few days old in a environment with lots of bacteria (eg, the toilet pipe), the body will normally swell because gas is a byproduct that bacterias produce. It makes sense that he could get in but the police couldn’t pull him out.


Maybe it was a bet with friends that his friends denied having anything to do with. Maybe he got in the pipe thinking he was going to be rescued by these friends. His friends tried to get him out after a good laugh, but all they got out was his one shoe. Then they just left him there so they wouldn't get into trouble. His shoe was just thrown to the side at his time of abandonment. Drunk logic would be he will get out on his own.


bro that lamp behind you creeped me out for a second😂


This might be the most bizarre case I’ve ever heard about. My severe claustrophobia makes it difficult to even think about him being in that pipe without having a minor panic attack myself. Regardless of how he got in there, what a terrible way to die. 😢


I think the peeping Tom theory is the most logical but I can appreciate how hard that must be for his family to accept 🥺 imagine losing your son then have that stigma attached aswell x


He was a smart guy, if he was a creep he has to be a smart creep. I can’t imagine him going through that without an escape plan, let’s say his plan went as he wanted and the teacher was back to her room. What was he going to do after that? Just come out drenched in poop and go home? That’s just stupid he would ruin his hard earned good reputation . I think the police had their minds set on that theory so they ignored any evidence that could have contradicted that theory.


So, here’s the thing. A young man died (seems like in a rather absolutely horrible way) and bc of the circumstances there might have been lost evidence; and I’m definitely not going to be the one to even attempt to create theories in my head about how much of a bad person he could’ve been.
We have no evidence of him being a peeping tom and tons of testimony of him being a nice person (pls i’m not saying people can’t be deceiving). To me the PT theory makes no sense, he could’ve been forced to get in there.

But again, i’m just not about to try to damage someone’s name who can’t defend himself when there’s more proof of him being a great dude than proof of him being a ‘perv’


Im almost certain that he was forced to climb into the sewer by someone with a gun to his head or under some other type of threat. If this was the case there would not be any signs of someone shoving his body into the sewage tank since he climbed in himself. It is also very convenient that it happened when the teacher was away, almost like her boyfriend maybe found out about him stalking her or them having some type of relationship and in a rage forced him to climb into the tank when he knew his girlfriend would not be home for a couple of days.


I feel like the peeping tom theory makes the most sense. For many to say that he couldn't have contorted his body to get in the pipe doesn't make sense, cause how would he have gotten in there in the first place since he didn't have broken bones or bruises?

Also, what parents would admit (whether they knew or not) that the child that they raised was a creep?


What if they were sneaking around together and the boyfriend showed up unexpectedly so Naoyuki, in a panic, grabbed what he could (his jacket and one shoe) and ran to hide. With little time and thought he shoved into the septic tank. She may have known he went down there and assumed he would get out once they left. That could be why she was checking down there in the first place when she returned. But he got stuck and couldn't escape.


I understand that logically the peeping tom theory makes the most sense, but also it makes no sense at all?? If he wanted to peep, wouldn’t the better option be to put a camera down there instead of contorting himself through literal shit covered pipes? The autopsy just tells us he went in by himself, but I don’t think it was a voluntary decision. Maybe threatened, blackmailed, or drunken dares?


The shoe being somewhere else definitely points to foul play to me! He was attacked where the shoe was then disposed of in the tank. Perhaps forced to get into the pipe/tank.


What an intriguing case! To me the peeping tom theory doesn’t make sense. If he did this voluntarily, how/why would his other shoe be found somewhere outside some distance away from his car? I think he was more likely kidnapped by someone seeking revenge and forced to crawl in there, then left for dead. Now, who did this and what their motive is the biggest mystery.


I had a college mate who was an introvert, he wouldn’t strike a conversation with you unless you strike at first. Always a loner. He even shifted from sharing a flat with three other friends of him to stay alone. He failed some classes and no longer continued class with us but continued classes with a semester less than us.He doesn’t call his family much either.

Almost two years back, during winter he went to a Hill lake along with his friends. They were drinking a lot. Eventually everyone started leaving when it started to get cold. When they called the guy to leave, he refused. Since he’s always been detached from others, nobody didn’t care or bother to call him back and left him alone. He was too drunk and alone in cold winter. So after midnight he managed to stuff himself in a phone booth ( it wasn’t a narrow area but a place would be a place to stay indoor in the lake) area where he froze to death. His death was declared due to hypothermia.

I can’t help but remember this whole incident while hearing this case. Drunk and winter would make you not to function properly. Still in this case we lack lots of information so we can’t conclude anything. I can’t help but think of some similarities between my college mate’s tragic death to this case. RIP both of them.


UGH! I need answers and reasons! Also, the thought of not being able to move literally makes me shiver with fear.


Bella says "Pretty shit cover story" and doesn't blink an eye at her own irony, lol!


Just a thought. Maybe the teacher put the shoe down the toilet as she knew he was there, but no one else would and she didn’t want his body to stay down there so putting the shoe down after ( as was found by his head which seems strange in itself) was her reason to “find him” as she noticed the shoe then went to check the tank ? Seems to me she had a lot more to do with it and the 4 days he was missing and she was away too can’t be a coincidence


mystery monday’s is the one thing keeping me going


I’m sorry I don’t believe he got in there willingly. That pipe was so small. The fear of getting stuck is way greater than the idea you may get to see something. That is terrifying. And his shoe being further away.


This reminds me of the Elisa Lam (spelling may be wrong) case where it’s just surrounded by mystery. Too much isn’t known.
