Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties

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28:10, Not the best choice of words, given Texas' record of white supremacy and lynching.
For more than three years, Trump* LOVED President Xi:

"He's for China, I'm for the U.S., but other than that, we love each other."
"President Xi, who is a strong man, I call him 'king'...He liked that."
"We have to stand with Hong Kong, but I’m also standing with President Xi."
"China seems to be making tremendous progress. Their numbers are way down...And we’ve been working very closely. They’ve been talking to our people, we’ve been talking to their people, having to do with the virus."

That last quote Trump said at a #COVID19 press conference on February 29, 2020. How big of a problem was COVID19 in the US on February 29? Big enough for Trump to have already launched his daily variety show -- STARRING HIMSELF -- masquerading as a live COVID19 briefing.
The first case of the novel coronavirus in the US was diagnosed on January 15, 2020. The World Health Organization labeled the novel coronavirus a "global health emergency" on January 30, 2020 -- ONE MONTH BEFORE Trump praised China in the quote above on February 29.
EVERYONE, including Chip Roy, referred to China as China -- BECAUSE THAT IS THE NAME OF THE COUNTRY -- for Trump's first 3+ years in office.
It wasn't until after Americans (well, the thinking ones, anyway) began to recognize that Trump had screwed the nation by doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of how leaders should tackle a public health crisis that EVERYONE in the GOP, including Chip Roy, suddenly became sesquipedalian.
Someone sent out a mandate that China was China no more: China was now the "Chinese Communist Party, " which is NOT the name of the nation and is a REALLY stupid synecdoche. No one abandons two syllables for seven without an ulterior motive.
I prefer politicians who don't deploy propaganda to manipulate their subjects' thoughts and words, and propaganda is exactly what the ad nauseam repetition of "Chinese Communist Party" is. Trump needed something -- ANYTHING -- to scapegoat and decided on two: China and the World Health Organization, despite both doing a hell of a lot more on #COVID19 by that point than Trump and his "best people" would do all the way up to Joe Biden's inauguration.
So, Chip Roy, SHUT UP about policing thoughts and "ChiComms" (did you invent that one all by yourself?). It's bad enough Trump and the Trumplican Party love scapegoating rather than doing something -- ANYTHING -- more productive.
STOP being divisive.
STOP clutching your pearls about all the wrongs you imagine Democrats do.
It's not only tiresome, it's disgusting by this point.

*So did Ivanka Trump. How many times did China cut through all the paperwork and standard delays to rush approval for Ivanka's multiple trademarks? After she announced she was shuttering her business too! I guess that trademark on voting machines might come in handy one of these days. But that was WAY back when China was China.


3 days afterwards 66 views I guess the country is Comfortably back to sleep this is whats sad
