CB Radio Antenna Installation and Adjustment Guide. If you want your CB to Work Right, Watch This!

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The single most important part of any CB radio isn't the radio at all. It's The antenna, and the best antenna isn't the coolest one on the shelf, it's the one that is adjusted properly.
This video shows just how much some new antennas need to be adjusted before they can perform at their very best.
This antenna is the Cobra HGA 1500 it's a great mid sized antenna and works well on modern cars. You can get one here:

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Don’t forget when checking power output to key up and say for a minimum of 10 minutes. This way everyone will know you are an expert.


love seeing sedans with big goofy antennas sticking from the top of them, starting to see them more and more nowadays. nice video for people new to the hobby.


I had cb antennas on my row house in Baltimore since the mid 70's. I'm getting ready to put one up in my new home in Vero Beach. I'm also a HAM radio operator. I love them all!


On my pickup with a toolbox utility cap, my 102" whip is mounted on a bracket i made that comes out between the bed and cap at the front passenger side. The SWR was all over the place as the antenna moved, even with the truck stationary in the wind. I tried the antenna down with Paracord to the roof rack and the SWT was good, at 1.2 and 1.3 or 1.4 on 40. The odd thing is the SWR is good without the spring, and was way off with it.

And I've spoken skip from Canada, all over the US, Jamaica, Mexico and all over Europe. Finally talked to Mower Junkie all the way from New England. Still waiting to hear 707 though!


i've never had to trim a sirio 4000, got a couple of them on my motors, out the box they seem to be bang on.. making sure you have a good earth from the battery to the body also helps with swr, some cars have crappy earths


Great video!!! Thanks for sharing. I've been using cb"s since the late 70's. I used to tune the
antenna all the time. I got lazy with my current one. A little will. I just finished tuning it. Had to cut off about an inch in all. Got about 1.5 on channel 1 and just a tad over on channel 40. Channel 20 is 1.25. It's good for me. I can hear it now much louder!! Getting some great skip today here in Maine.


Looks like a beautiful day on the farm at the time of production, my favorite time of year!!!.
Great video as always, ! If I may add for the new operator's, make sure your not sandwiched between surrounding buildings or trees, that will also give you funky readings!!!😏👍🎙⚡️


I've had a devil of time with my SWRs, looks like I'll have to do some trimming


Try adjusting to the lowest point on 20, then check channels 1 and 40, which is what i was told 30-40 years ago. Usually, just go straight to 1 and 40, though, lol


Thanks for all you do Eric, saw you and your posse at the fair on Tuesday. First YouTuber sighting


Great video. If you had a boss, I'd put you in for a raise. No more guessing what to do.
Thx man


I installed a 102" whip in the rear quarter panel and got a flat 1 SWR and did well. I used a Firestik slim spring coil


Been trying to tune this exact antenna with a nanoVNA. Nanos are great little gadgets, but I find that I get readings all over the place and it's hard to get consistent results. I'm going to add a second inline meter to have something to compare against.


I love my Radio Shack meter, have had one for many years, surprisingly accurate, even compared to higher-priced meters! 73🇺🇸😃


great video
only issue I am having with my base station, is I am unable to get to my antenna. unless I can figure out how to get my power wheelchair on my roof. I had finally gotten everything installed but the guy I had put my antenna up is no longer available. so if you ever get up to northeast ohio look me up


personally ive had terible luck with the a1500... no matter what i did the swr was over 2:1 ended up switching to a wilson lil will and havent had a problem since... after i switched i wanted to figure out why it wouldent tune and it came frrom the factory too short.. added an adjustable toper and was finally able to get it to tune


Excellent video. I have the same antenna. Thanks for sharing this!


A tranmatcher dose a good job on matching the swr of a radio too.


I have a K40 mag mount antenna. It has a long whip. I really like it


This was an excellent video, thanks for this one 👍🏼
