The Worst Investments I've Ever Made :(

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One time purchases are definitely pointless, with the internet all entertainment could be free online so that's a big money maker, thanks Jack!

*Investing Videos 136/1000 Sub Goal!*


I like it when he says "You're all very beautiful people"!


Agree. relationship is the worst investment.


i wouldnt say school is a bad investment.... BUT if u can make it without a degree or without gaining the outside world experience that school gives, then I agree with ur assumption that school is a bad investment. For everyone else, I think school is definitely cooll...


Dude spiderman was sooo cool! And my all time money loss is just lending out money to friends.


Video games, clothes, school, and collectables. Video games have gone down through the years since it's not worth being the "first" to play it anymore. Clothes well, being a female, you may need variety of clothes for work, play, outside stuff, interviews, and casual, but most of mine I had through years probs 10 yrs. School is a big one, even when you struggle to keep that career path. Collectables can be sold when values go up. :) Main reason I kept my stuff and sold it over the years, still a risky money investment.


I've laugh so much on that video man ! My one-time worst investments was going out to the club every week spending hundreds box hahaha terrible


I feel like there were a lot of shots fired at your ex this episode lmfao


LMAO this was a great video. I made the school mistake . . .and the relationship mistake (and I totally agree with your estimated $10, 000 figure).
I honestly think my biggest "indulgence" wasnt even for myself but it was all the baby gear when my son was young. I justified spending the money because that's just what new parents do. Looking back I wasted a lot of money on things that never got used or worn because he outgrew them so fast. It's nice when your kid has the coolest toys at the park but I would have rather put some money away for him in some kind of long term investment.


haha up until this year ive had a heavy, very unhealthy vice with video games. i have 235 games on steam alone, 9 games on ps4, 7 on xbone, atleast 30-40 on xbox 360, and 13-14 on ps3. ive since kicked the habbit (with the help of your videos making me realize im horrifically irresponsible when left to my own devices) but what i could do with all that money now is unbelievable. i literally only play 1 - 2 of those games now sometimes.


In france with good grades you can go to school for free and be a doctor layer or what ever but the best school cost somes money. videos games in all my life 6000€ video games 3200€ computer stuff last grahpic card peripheral and i don't even use it today it's hard to sell my computer the value decreass so quickly but i will hit me hard if sell it but on long run i should sell it for half of his value that i buy 3 years a go. 500€ in costume


Dude just came across your vids. Its great but drop the emoji in those titles will you


Seems like you're addicted to games. Im 17 haven't played games since last year. I but now I'm addicted to YouTube lol


Was all the way there with you untill you started to dog games. Life is not just a money making scheme and money isn't an end its merely a means. Your lean approach will do you good in business but dont rob you from your personal life afterall you cannot take your money with you when you die.
