Good for Nothing: Living with Faith in Human Goodness, Sunday Service, November 27, 2022, 10:00 a.m.

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Rev. Karen Gustafson and worship associate Sara Ford
Walk-in Choir, Ahmed Anzaldúa, Director of Music Ministries
So much bad news. It is tempting to believe that there is no potential for systemic goodness to break through the bleakness of this troubled world. And yet, how are we served by dismissing this possibility out of hand and lose our back to a belief in “inherent worth and dignity”?
Unity Church resides on the homelands of the Dakota and Ojibwe Nations. We honor with gratitude the people who have stewarded the land throughout the generations and their ongoing contributions to this region. We acknowledge the ongoing injustices that we have committed against the Dakota and Ojibwe Nations, and we wish to interrupt this legacy, beginning with acts of healing and honest storytelling about this place.
Worship associate Sara Ford has been at Unity Church on and off since she was a child. Her mom, Barbara Ford, remembers that she dropped out of the Coming of Age program, causing great embarrassment, but Sara has no recollection and so questions the assertion. She has a PhD in literature and left teaching to work for the teachers' union. She lives in St. Paul with her beloved sons and wife, Jeremy, Cullen, and Kim.
Walk-in Choir, Ahmed Anzaldúa, Director of Music Ministries
So much bad news. It is tempting to believe that there is no potential for systemic goodness to break through the bleakness of this troubled world. And yet, how are we served by dismissing this possibility out of hand and lose our back to a belief in “inherent worth and dignity”?
Unity Church resides on the homelands of the Dakota and Ojibwe Nations. We honor with gratitude the people who have stewarded the land throughout the generations and their ongoing contributions to this region. We acknowledge the ongoing injustices that we have committed against the Dakota and Ojibwe Nations, and we wish to interrupt this legacy, beginning with acts of healing and honest storytelling about this place.
Worship associate Sara Ford has been at Unity Church on and off since she was a child. Her mom, Barbara Ford, remembers that she dropped out of the Coming of Age program, causing great embarrassment, but Sara has no recollection and so questions the assertion. She has a PhD in literature and left teaching to work for the teachers' union. She lives in St. Paul with her beloved sons and wife, Jeremy, Cullen, and Kim.