GET THIS PET NOW!!! | Awesome Calygrey Colosseum & Epic Rewards In Outward

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Outward has an awesome arena called the Calygrey Colosseum. you get to fight two enemies at a time for three different rounds. Each win grants you an ornate chest that drops rare and valuable loot. An even better tidbit about this arena though is you can get a pet ape/monkey from winning all three rounds! He is epic and will follow you around hitting his club. You have to get this guy because he is so fun to go on adventures with!

Outward is an RPG/survival game that allows you take to make an almost infinite number of builds. Melee, magic, archery, and even traps are scattered across this harsh world in the form of skills. You must have a large amount of money to purchase these skills, but luckily the monsters drop extremely valuable items. The game has been harshly criticized due to how realistic and difficult it is. Feel free to subscribe and watch me beat the crap out of some crazy monsters.

#Outwardguide #OutwardRPG #TipsandTricks

GET THIS PET NOW!!! | Awesome Calygrey Colosseum & Epic Rewards

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Music Credits Go To:

"Aftertune - Colors" is under a Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0) license.
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Yeah I remember this me and my brother did this but he left the loot in the chest that's there so when we completed the arena we didn't have access to the chest lol good times plus the build I use can take out enemies in seconds....butchers cleaver.


Thats a pretty awesome pet

And grats on 1k subs sheen great videos love your content


For those unaware or not too skilled in outward combat, the arena fights can be cheesed with magic by hitting them before it drops the blue flame barrier


oh so this is where i got him lol i was not sure where i got him all the fights are easy if you know how to fight the enemies but the last one was the easiest it had a gargoyle and calygrey and if you can not kill the gargoyle fast the cool thing is he will stay a statue while you fight the calygrey, Grats ib 1k subs man


grats on 2 barrier armor that is only a 10% drop if i remember right


im trying it solo but second round i get anihilated ;/
