How to descale and clean Fish ( How to gut fish ) How to clean and prepare fish before cooking

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How to descale and clean Fish ( How to gut fish ) How to clean and prepare fish before cooking.

In this video on how to descale and clean fish, I will show you how to gut fish step by step including how to descale a fish - I will show you how to clean and gut a Bass before cooking.

After gutting the fish I will show you my favorite way of cooking Bass with a very easy Bass recipe that can be used for any fish.

How to gut a fish can be daunting for some so I hope this video showing how to gut a fish step by step will help more people enjoy cooking fresh fish when they know how to gut a fish for themselves.

Here are the steps on how to clean, gut and prepare a fish before cooking:

Firstly you need to descale the fish if necessary by scraping a knife in the opposite direction of the scales ( tail towards the head ) on both sides of the fish.

When descaling a fish either descale the fish over a sink or over some paper to catch all the scales because they do tend to fly and could end up all over your kitchen.

Once you have descaled the fish it's time to clean the fish ( gut the fish ).

Turn the fish over and you will see a vent towards the back half of the fish, insert a sharp knife, and cut towards the head stopping just after the fins on the side.

The cavity of the fish is now open exposing the fish guts, simply drag the fish guts out from the cavity with your knife.

When gutting a fish you can either leave the fish head-on or off, if you choose to remove the head then cut at an angle just behind the pectoral fins towards the back of the head - flip the fish over and repeat the cut. As the head is removed any additional fish inners are removed with the head.

If you want to retain the fish head on the fish for the cooking presentation then just insert your fingers into the open stomach cavity and pull out any guts that did not initially come out when you scraped them out after that first incision.

It's that simple to clean, gut and prepare a fish before cooking - once the fish has been descaled and gutted just rinse the fish under cold water and it's now ready to cook.

Once you know how to gut a fish you are able to gut any variety of fish - gutting fish is very easy to do and once you wash your hands afterwards it's all good.

I hope you enjoyed this youtube video entitled " How to descale and clean Fish ( How to gut fish ) How to clean and prepare fish before cooking"

If you follow these how-to gut fish step-by-step instructions you will soon be able to clean and gut any fish that you come across with ease.

As mentioned before within this video I showed you how to gut a Bass and I will soon post another video explaining how to clean, gut and prepare flatfish before cooking.

If you have any other methods or techniques on how to clean a fish I would love to see your comments below.

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Welcome everyone to our channel - here is a step by step guide on how to descale and clean a fish before cooking plus my favorite way of cooking fish that's very easy to do yet delicious - please like, share and subscribe all the best Mark & Naomi


Thanks for showing us how to descale clean and gut the seabass as well as to prepare the fish before cooking good evening from UK see you around and stay connected...


Big like 35
Wow very beautiful way of cleaning the fish by Mark


so clean fish nice sharing have a great day


Useful tips on how to clean and prepare fish before cooking. Thumbs up #27 👍👍


a very detailed on how to descale and clean fish. thanks for sharing


Nice sharing. One like from me #19. Have a great weekend my friend.


thanks for showing us sis how to descale and clean fish properly.


I dont even know how to clean a fish and I grew up in Philippinesa! This is a great tutorial! Wow I like the idea of putting butter inside the fish. This is Yummmmyyy absolutely delicious!


Thank you for the detailed info. I'll definitely try to gut my fish without puncturing the bile. Because I love the taste of the stomach area so fatty and good. Have a good day!


Great job guys on this tutorial! Descaling and cleaning the fish is definitely most important before cooking! You make it look easy 🙂


I always wonder how to clean and cook the fish proper. this is an excellent tutorial period! Well done!


this is awesome to watch. I never know how to do this. Fish with butter sounds heaven


I’m all into this video watching is very relaxing watching you descale and cut that fish I used to do this all the time back in the day when daddy bought fish I’m not squeamish at all I keep my head on I love it👏🏽🙋🏽‍♀️


This is how i do it Mark 👌 we keep the head on and consume it as it's a delicacy in the Caribbean ☺


An excellent video about cleaning and cooking the sea bass. I am sure it tastes delicious. I enjoyed viewing until the end and gave you a big thumbs up. Thank you for sharing my friend.


Thanks for sharing another great and helpful content. Keep it up Naomi and Mark. Watched it in full without skipping. See yah


Great video. Thanks for sharing. Thumbs up . Watched and enjoyed. Stay safe, healthy.. See you in your next video. 🌹🍁


Great job descaling the fish and gutting it mmm that sea bass looked delicious enjoy smashed the like


*_I came back just to watch it again. Impressive and informative preparation of the fish. Awesome work and excellent video, Naomi._*
*_Have a nice and relaxing Sunday.._*
