A Day in the Woods: The Oregon Forest Practices Act

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Join Mike Cloughesy and Nicole Strong as they discuss Oregon’s evolving forest protection laws. Everyone wants Oregon to have sustainable forests, for all of our environmental, social and economic needs. Oregon’s strong laws and modern forest practices help bolster that sustainability.

This is #1 of a 9 part series. Other videos include:
• The Oregon Forest Practices Act
• Protecting our drinking water
• Reforestation
• Clearcutting
• Fish habitat protection
• Wildlife habitat protection
• Forest Roads
• Visual management
• Chemicals in the Forest
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"Statewide, Oregon has more than 60 species of native trees, but as far as the timber industry is concerned, all we need is 1 very tall, very straight, cash cow. When clearcutting happens on private industrial forest lands in Western Oregon, all trees and life are removed from an area, and that area is replanted with one species: Douglas-fir. This “monocrop” is then sprayed for several years with a combination of several herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizer to ensure it is the only thing that can grow there. Walking through a forest in Oregon is an amazing experience, one might see or touch a plethora of plant or animal species. Walking through a Douglas-fir plantation is much more like being in a cornfield."
