PATTBERG “Elites mourning” Sticker Album: Collect them all (a.k.a. The West RE To Terrorist Attacks)

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Since September 11, 2001, it has been made compulsory for Western leaders to mourn the victims of each and every major terrorist attack in the West. Which became A LOT.

How to mourn it like a Prime Minister.

Also, while the business of mourning grew exponentially, the number of victims of each terrorist attack actually declined. For example, while the terrorist attack on the journalists of Charlie Hebdo in Paris in 2015 featured 12 persons dead, the terrorist attack on a bridge in Central London in 2017 merely counted 1 person dead. Still mourning turn-out was PHENOMENAL. So huge in fact that Western leaders from Angela Merkel to Sadiq Khan stated the obvious: Terrorist attacks are the new normal.

Where there are victims, there is an industry.

Professional morning has become part of diplomacy and etiquette. The mainstream media thrives on it. The internet explodes on it. Pictures of mourning politicians became collectibles. The public flock to the streets with candles and cameras to share in the official fake mourning. Shame on those who abstain.

Leaders mourn, but never apologize.

Responsible leaders absolve themselves by big-time mourning, but never apologize, even if politically responsible for having imported the terror, as is the case with Angela Merkel. On the contrary, big scale mourning is well-organized and understood and utilized for political gains. For example, the Merkel regime frequently lights up the Brandenburger Tor in Berlin in the colors of the nation where the latest terrorist attack occurred, but not Russia.

Watch out for the Elites mourning the victims of terrorist attacks picture series at your local kiosk.

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