The Clash Royale 'Free to Play' Tier List

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The Clash Royale "Free to Play" Tier List - SolarFury
CREATOR CODE - "solarfury"
In this clash royale video, I decided to make a tier list of every card in clash royale that is dedicated to free to play players. Most tier lists are dedicated towards a competitive audience, but this clash royale tier list is meant more for the casual clash royale player. The S tier cards I 100% recommend using, and the D and F tier cards I pretty much recommend staying away from entirely. Hope you all enjoy the clash royale free to play tier list video!!
Hi, welcome to my channel: SolarFury! On this channel, you will find all things clash royale! Literally, anything related to clash royale, you will find on this channel. I do deck showcases, tier lists, rankings, news videos, discussion videos, and more! If you enjoy clash royale, then this is the place for you!!!

Background music - Lud and Schlatt's Musical Emporium

I also use a lot of music from Mario Kart, Kirby Superstar Ultra, and Terraria


Рекомендации по теме

I would like to reiterate that this is NOT a normal clash royale tier list. Most clash royale tier lists you will see are based on a competitive/top ladder perspective, but this from a free to play/midladder perspective. That's why some rankings here differ from what you might see elsewhere :3


Stop encouraging the midladder players to play wizard 😭😭


Cannon should be higher like A or S tier, it's the best building right now in the game, it's very easy to use, good defensive card, can counter alot of cards, very cheap, an it's easy to upgrade


2 mins in and i already regret clicking on to this


Yeah, that was a real hot take, evo skellies are far better than the bats. Actually, they’re the best evolution in the game (I see people arguing that the ice spirit is better, but the skellies have been broken for much longer than the spirit, so I’m still team Larry)


The thing i love the most about 3 musketeers is that after you somehow destroy 1 tower you basically get the second one for free with only this card, if you time it correctly and catch your opponent off guard you have to place it at the enemy field in the pocket that way the 3 musketeers quickly target the second tower and takd it down. But again you have to know your opponent deck and surprise him. Hitler used a similar tactic which he named "blitzkrieg" (=transaction: lightningwar)


Supercell needs to just delete megaknight from the game


As a newbie to Clash Royale, and a F2P to boot, I greatly appreciate this video! Gives me insight into my own F2P journey that I will be starting soon! Thank you!


my guy did not cook like why would mirror be just as good as espirit


Skele drags in f is a god damn wat crime


I have never heard anyone say that the wizard is top tier except when the evolution came out which got nerfed. So am I missing something then?


Barb hut is so underated imo its better than barb hoard, has a building +1barb and it can create a counter push against cards like giants and hog rider also minion hoard is better for bait than barbs yet its ranked lower but it can bait fireball, arrows, zap etc unlike bob hoard.


I have been playing for a week now, and nearly EVERY SINGLE tier list puts goblin Barrel in C. I never understood why, its solid even WITHOUT the evolution. Although, my main F2P deck is Rocket Mortar as it completely hardcounters Midladder decks. Forces insane dual lane pressure and eradicates any overleveled cards if they even TRY to place them in the back. if they try to push with like both wizard and witch when 2x or 3x hits its over cause I can trade my 6 elixir rocket for their 10 elixir push AND Knight just counters any push they try to make with their remaining cards. The rest of my deck is Arrow bait.


18:44 ur so real for that 😢we think them same


Princess: best tower
Duchess: favourite tower
Canoneer: skilled tower


I think mortar should be s tier, very good card for medium ti high level players, current meta there are a lot of top tier mortar players, and it is a common so its ez to get


I disagree with mega knight. I use pekka simply because she defends much more and people spend more to defend her. I find mega knight to be a card that cant defend as much as I expect it to for 7 elixir. The best ways to defend mega knight give you at least an equal elixir trade. Its clear supercell has nerfed him hard due to the hate he has gotten. While he is strong when overleveled, every card is strong when overleveled as well...


Im ftp and mine deck arena 18 is log evo rg balloon evo wizard goblin stien tesla mk ice spirit works so well


Welp, at least we got a Solarfury Video


Sparky should be higher, I remember back many years ago I used a sparky nado deck, and was beating maxed players as a lvl 11
