The Importance Of Vision Correction - Assil Eye Institute Los Angeles

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Dr. Kerry Assil: At one time or another in our lives, everybody needs glasses. We either start out needing glasses, or end up needed glasses. And this is not surprising when you consider how intricate the eye is, and if it was a camera it would be the most sophisticated camera ever imagined.

When people can't see well, it affects their personality and their sense of well-being. It certainly affects their confidence. Anybody who's ever had a scratch in the eye can attest to how it turned their life upside down until that tiny little scratch, that if it was on the back of my hand I might not even notice, until that healed.

And so the ability to help people see well without glasses and to be able to feel like they threw away a pair of crutches, almost turning back the hands of time, can be very exciting. It's important in that setting to of course screen the patients and make sure they're good candidates. The host of vision correction solutions that we provide is quite broad because people's needs are very different.
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