Evidence for God that Everyone Has: Romans 1:18-23

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What does the Bible say about this issue and can we test it by looking at creation and conscience APART from the Bible or modern science? What expectation does God have for all humans regardless of where or when they are born? Are there really atheists?
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Abba Father, I come into agreement with this message according to romans 1:18-23, 2 corinthians 6:14-18 loosening every excuse from my life and the lives of my enemies of not seeing God at work by the things made visible upon no return in my life and upon repentance in the lives of my enemies, while I loosen myself of every unequal yoke and common share with those who exchanged the incorruptible glory of God for things of this world, in the name and by the blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah!


The other day I was passing by a snowman and became amazed at how all those frozen crystals of water just happened to fall into place and form these big balls; then the big balls just happened to get on top of each other in order, from large up to small; then how two sticks just happened to fall off a tree or bush onto it in just the right position to resemble arms; then a carrot (with its top trimmed off nonetheless) just happened pop into the center of the top ball to resemble a nose; and then several high carbon/hydrocarbon combustible rocks just happened to jump out of the ground and land onto the balls in such an order as to resemble buttons, eyes and a smile? NOT! If anyone would claim that they would certainly be laughed at, ridiculed and even possibly locked up as a looney! A snowman is ALWAYS known to be the product of intelligent design. That has never been contested... outside the realm of pure fantasy. How much more infinitely complex is the human body that is claimed to have occurred completely by chance?


Mike the simplicity of your teaching is amazing. I thank God for you. Blessings and shalom


It does come down to the "giving them up" - that's how people become so smart they become fools and cannot even comprehend the simplicity of the truth


I love you Mikey... thank you Lord Jesus for giving like his brain


You are a great teacher mike. Thank you. I am really enjoying this in depth romans study


This was an awesome teaching thank you so much God bless you and your family thank you thank you! 🙏🏻🙂❤️


Thank you, Mike: For explaining in such a beautiful way that we can trust in the existence of our Heavenly Father and that evidence of His existence is right before us when we step outside and walk into nature. To me the Bible is a treasure! As an ex-JW, I bought a good Bible translation, because I want to refind truth. Your videos help me a lot! Greetings and blessings from The Netherlands, Nina


Listening more than 3 years late. Exceptional.... regardless. Thank you Pastor Mike - I will use this as a pointer for those who refuse to admit the obvious.


Man pastor mike I wish you would move to Houston and start a church I love your style of preaching and how straightforward you are with what the word says thank you for all free content you put out on YouTube


It seems to me Psalm 19 would go perfectly with theses verses. General revelation is the theme for both sets of scripture. Just made me think of Psalms.


God is too great for us to grasp. Who has known the mind of the Lord???!!! 🤯 🙌


I took an 80 hour lecture from Dr Fruchtenbaum on a study of the book of Genesis. During that in depth study not once did the word “evolution” appear.
That’s significant because prior to the 18t century evolutionary theory did not exist. Therefore a weakness is shown in the majority of Christians when the pivotal book is being taught.
I appreciate the teaching ministry but it is not without weak points. Blessings


Another interesting thing on how to win the Chicken question is the fact that an egg requires for it to be in incubation to hatch, which requires warmth, which in turn requires a chicken, or any other bird that can go about and not damage the egg, or invalidate it, and have it hatch successfully. Also a note, the egg needs to be constantly in certain range of temperature.


Honestly I love these types of arguments from creation and morals. To me God gave me the desire to do so. Honestly Brother Mike you have more patience and grace then me because if I started talking to an atheist about these things I would look at them and lose my absolute mind and say do you have common sense? Lol


Thank you for your TIME. And purpose Mike.


Is there something you could do about the extraneous noise, mike? Your desk creaks!


Mike, you never cease to disappoint. Keep up the work of the Lord. Really inspiring.


God bless sir.
Such deep teachings!!!


And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
Revelation 22:12 KJV

Jesus lives

Jesus Christ is Lord

Jesus loves you repent

You're a sinner in need of a Savior

Turn to Jesus

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Romans 10:9 KJV

Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Acts 2:38 KJV
