Input Session Platform Economies A deep dive into the Gender Gap
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"As rapid digital transformations happen, building inclusive digital economies is vital for inclusive growth and achieving gender equality. The platform economy should therefore have a transformative impact that does not exacerbate gender inequalities. According to the 2021 GSMA Mobile Gender Gap Report for instance, there are still 74 million unconnected women in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Women are also still less likely to own a mobile phone and are 37% less likely to use mobile Internet compared to men in the region. Given these kinds of scenarios, are women producers and consumers in this economy and to what extent is their participation? What are the gaps and challenges? Let us take a deep dive into this conversation, which I hope will inspire tech companies, private sector, NGOs, development partners, governments, investors and civil society to invest in women to grow an inclusive platform economy." Sylvia Mukasa