15 mins of Strange Animation Facts

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Moral of the Story: Animation is HARD.

It covers everything from Reels to Resumes and interviews! It’s essential to learn the ins and outs of the industry!
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mad respect for all the Animators that work on these GREAT projects! What's your favorite animated movie?


Animation is hard, but man is it fun when everything goes as planned 🤩


Yes, animation is hard, but it is worth working with.


Animation is fun but stresses me out sometimes


I thought animation difficult because I am still amateur. It's interesting to know that professionals also struggles. Thanks for sharing this information.


2D animation is hard. But I’m getting used to it. 3D animation is probably harder for different reasons.


Props to all the real animators working hard to bring us the best animated movies.and F@#$ AI


Animation is such a wildly deep and expressivr artform. I'm an illustrator and now fledgling animator and this early stage of learning is some of the most fun I've had doing art in years.


i love 2d animation. but it's hard, but i learn to keep going and persevere. that 10 seconds of animation it's well worth it in the end :)


knowing that even pros can struggle is somewhat comforting lol


yes indeed it is a struggle, but also all great things in life and I think that makes it worth living.
Easy cases was so boring for sherlock Holmes.


When people say certain films like Inside Out have lazy animation, I'll just show them this video


Guys... Do you all like traditional animation? I am making a short traditional animated pilot episode but guys... I- i dont have enough voices i need 4 but i have 2 please give advice...


Animation is hard, but everything in life that is worthwhile is hard. Never give up.


Animation is difficult whether you’re good or not. What makes the difference is whether or not you enjoy it.


I want to animate, but either can't draw what I want, can't bring myself to sit down and work on it


I remember for Steven unicerse Pearl scene
They already had an idea in mind and board
But the song was so power full that they scrapped the idea and started all over. And the final result was amazing. ❤


for someone who is making characters . its true


To animate is to be in a state of flow or euphoria. its just like a musician playing an instrument. Their is general play, then their is play that goes beyond the limitations of the tool. your no longer 'playing' the instrument as much as you are flowing your essence through the instrument. Such a state of being can never be constant. and due to its very nature, it takes a heck of alot out of us. Its a gift that only permits its usage from time to time. as such their will be times when you can not play. the body the mind the spirit all needs a period of rest and renewal. to recharge. and that time vary due to what ever it is that the body needs to recharge. often it means getting away from the task. and doing something not related to the work. after all... your work and your ability to do so has come about because of all the OTHER things you do in your life. and its from that fuel did you then express in the form of animation. or to better explain.. a musician can play passionately due to the experiences he or she has had in life. as such you need life's experiences to further fuel that gift of play. same thing with animation. once animation became a JOB and not a part time hobby then you were committed to exerting that gift and those creative juices far more than you normally had done prior. and the job thus burns you out. Not to mention your giving your all to someone elses ideas not your own. your hobby is not a job and the job is draining you of your gift that for many was ment to explore your own ideas and passions, NOT that of other peoples or a job. and so their often comes a time when your simply burned out. the job used you to fulfill its needs while your own personal needs go unfulfilled. and so.. frustration also takes root further draining you from what you need, and to make matters worse, even if you did have some free-time to work on your own personal projects, the job has already drained you of the creative and physical strength required to do your projects the right way. the solution? Unfortunately their is no easy solution, because the job = pay. which sustains your living. But make no mistake, often the best situation is having freedom on top of having a steady salary and that can come by way of remote working. Freelancing also provides additional freedom. but overall its the ability to have a choice. the ability to walk away from the project before you if only but momentarily. being able to listen and act to your body and mind needs and requests. Yes your body and mind does speak to you. its the core reason why your an artists. you can hear what your body is telling you. but most important is having the option to act. Your body is telling you its tired you need rest. fighting against it can only bring serious health issues. listen to your body!!!! no matter what prioritize you body needs and requests. your health depends on it. and if your not healthy neither can you function to do your art. sometimes you may have to tell the job you needs an extended break. Sure it goes against the grain of what a job needs you for. BUT the job also hired your for that which you can deliver. as such it must be open to the idea that its artists have special needs, as these are special people with special gifts. And a job that is truly about the art, should be well aware of these issues.


somebody give this man a high quality mic please
