How To Beat POOH & PIGLET In 'Winnie-The-Pooh: Blood & Honey'

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If you were being hunted by a starving human-animal hybrid that was bent on revenge, what would you do?

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Amazing vid as always

Have a damn good day 😄


So the animals don't know how to get their own food, but Pooh can drive a car?? Wild.


Turning your phones off while one of your friends is lost is by far the dumbest way to die in a horror film


I feel like the whole premise falls apart instantly when you remember the fact that Rabbit is a gardener and plants stuff in bulk. I feel like he would have enough foresight to make food for the winter. Even a bad one such as the one described.


28:01 if Pooh can control bees or whatever and drive a car, then how did they wind up on the struggle bus? Also the way he dispatched those 3 after they all went in on Pooh at the same time; Pooh is very OP.


Saw this in the theaters with my brother. He mentioned the same thing about how Christopher should’ve gotten them a steady supply of food.
Pooh & the gang are still technically animals. Domesticated animals begin to lose the ability to hunt for their own food & depend on their owners. They depended on Christopher for both food & guidance since he—in his youthful naïveté—didn’t consider what he was doing by dulling their natural hunting instincts & then abandoning them for his own life. He merely failed to realize the consequences for his actions if you think about it.


Lesson is dont go to a house in the woods with How to Beat as he will use you as a “meat shield” if anything goes wrong 😂


Love how just about everyone can't wrap their heads around the fact that Poo can't hunt but learned how to drive a car, but nobody's talking about how they managed the get their own clothes and why they felt the need to have clothes in the first place


The most unrealistic thing in the movie in my opinion is, that throughout the years of people being eaten by a bear in that forest, noone even thought to inform animal control or something like that.


weird that they starved while chris was away in college, wasn't rabbit a gardener or something like that? Plus I think I kinda remember that Pooh at least knows how to look for honey whenever he gets hungry.

I probably would've bought the premise of the cast going feral more is if Chris still goes to college without telling Pooh and the others but then other Humans eventually found the hundred acre woods. Humans with more darker intentions, like maybe they started hunting the cast for sport or some shit like that. Eventually some characters like Eeyore got killed by Humans so Pooh and the rest finally banded together and killed back the hunters in retaliation but the experience has left them scarred against humans.

As time passes. more humans keep coming. they keep killing them. their thoughts grow darker and christopher robin still hasn't returned and eventually they thought he grew up to be another cruel human. just like the rest.


Laura was hogtied, she could not roll. Her only option was praying and reflecting on her life changing decision on why she remained in that hot tub with her eyes closed instead of running when a humanoid bear was creeping around as evident on her picture.


You know, seeing how durable Pooh is, it might have been a good idea that the one girl didn't shoot Pooh when she did. It seems like Pooh would've just shrugged it off, and would now know their location.


So she saw someone behind her in the photo and decided to chill in the pool with her eyes closed? The classic "If i cant see them then they can't see me"


so they cant feed themselves but pooh can drive a car...


This movie is something that someone with a child's fantasy thought of while being on an acid trip.


“I wouldn’t be above using one or all of them as a meat shield” -best quote ever


“I was expecting something more along the lines of Glock or similar semi-automatic pistol, not the howlitzer that she pulls out!That thing would make Clint Eastwood blush.”

Literally favorite line from this entire video😭


I never knew such a movie existed. What a startling take of a childhood classic! :D


19:53 “I would’ve let that THANG RIP!!!!” Is the best line I was not expecting holy hell 😭😂🤣 FACTS THO


If anything goes wrong during that trip it is Jessica's fault because she knows the her friend Maria's is having a stalking problem and in the middle of the woods turns off their phones
