How I (Try To) Live a Slow Life With a 9-5 Job

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Living a slow life in this fast world can be a challenge. In this video I share some strategies and measures that I implemented to slow down my life even with a regular 9-5 job living a a life more calmness and purpose. Living such a lifestyle has had a great impact on my wellbeing and state of mind. I feel much more relaxed and happier this way.

Maybe you will find some points that are relevant for you and share your best ideas with us :)

00:00 - Intro
03:20 - The most important step
04:00 - Why I want to live a slow life
05:15 - Measures related to work
08:58 - Hobbies
09:58 - Using nature to slow down
12:22 - Outro
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Love this. I went from a 5 day workweek down to 3 days. I found a place where I could work 10 hour days and told them I was only able to work 3 days. So yes my income dropped but I still put in 30 hours a week and now have 4 ‘free’ days. My free time is worth so much more than the missed income.


I adopted slow living inadvertently by respecting myself, my time and setting boundaries. I’m 48 and as I get older I realize self care and making my mental health a priority and it’s okay to say no. At work I decided that I wouldn’t stay over to finish something that I could complete the next morning. It’s letting a couple phone calls go to voicemail and calling them back later. It’s letting an email sit in my inbox until I finish my current task. For me slow living has been reading a good book with a cup of coffee instead of watching mindless TV. Also I’m an artist and painter so I love to disconnect and just paint a picture once in a while. It’s also meant leaving social media in 2024 which gives me so much more free time to be more productive. Love your channel!!


I live in America, and work mostly 7 days a week, 9-10 hours a day. The idea of a 9-5 day work week sounds like heaven to me. I pray I can shift to a different lifestyle.


I really like my job, but my boss would never allow me to go down to 4 days a week. Instead, I've been able to change my shift schedule from the 8am-4:30pm shift to the 6am-2:30pm shift. A 2 hour difference may not seem like a lot, but it means I get off work before rush hour traffic starts, so I'm home in 25 minutes instead of 1.5 hours. So much time is left in my day to do all sorts of things, I actually feel like I have time for my hobbies now.


It resonates with me. I value time and peace, connecting with nature and loved ones. I also only work three and a half or four days per week and that gives me the balance that I need in my life.


I just went to 4 days a week. Little less money but just budget better. So worth it!!
The 1 extra day makes a huge difference.
Will soon go to 3 days.
Love your videos calm and inspiring. Subscribed:)


I am blessed to be able to work at home, so even though it’s a structured environment, I get to really be present and meditate, journal or go on walks in my neighborhood on breaks and lunches. Also, adopting the belief “I do what I can and let go of the rest” really helped me release personal responsibility for how the company is doing. I do what I can to the best of my ability with good quality and move on with my day. And when I log off for the day, my mind is in the present and not on work. I leave work at work. Thank you for this video, something that actually resonates🤍


This resonates with what I believe in Ecclesiastes 4:6 "Better one handful with tranquillity than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind.".


Thanks for your really realistic take on slow living. A lot of YouTubers who embrace slow living embrace a lifestyle which is almost completely alternative and not achievable for me personally, both my husband and myself working full time with 2 kids. Lots of helpful tips - thanks. Have a great day. 😊


I tried it for four (4) months. And I don't get it. I would be home at 5:35pm... ...when, where, what? If I wanted to clean my shower or invite someone for a cup of How? I would eat - so now it's already 6:20pm. Do the dishes, complain to my significant other about work, change clothes, maybe do the laundry...
*Before you know it's 9pm and you start thinking about the following day (meetings, gossip, bullying, meaningless **_tasks_** 🙄...)*
We are slaves with nice cars and cellphones. And nicer houses than our ancestor had. But then again: *you don't enjoy your house because you're at the 😪*


few more years of school and ive planned on doing something similar the 4 day work week is great advice too can definitely overcome it with a non material life


Really enjoyed this and can totally relate. I dropped down to 4 days from 5 and can already feel the benefits and I spend my day off in nature. It’s worth every penny I’ve lost because I’ve enriched my life.


I agree so much with you that getting into nature and connecting with it is one of the best ways to slow down. Nature grounds us in the present, and allow our minds to become quiet and still. Glad I found your channel, thank you!


"Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Thanks for bringing me hope that I can find peace, working a 9-5.


We moved to a rural area in 2020 during the pandemic with 2 kids. At first I struggled with living outside of the city, but now I embrace country living. I am trying to retrain my brain to enjoy slow living. I don't think completely isolating ourselves is healthy. But just enjoying the moment and living in the present is so important. Our digital age is toxic to our brains in a lot of ways, especially for our kids. We need to become more aware of this topic as a society!


Hello :) tombée par hasard sur ta chaîne et me suis abonnée car c'est rare de voir des jeunes gens dans ma tranche d'âge vivre comme ça. J'ai 31 ans et j'ai adopté ce mode de vie graduellement, en écoutant mon intuition profonde. Ça a commencé par de nombreux questionnements existentiels en début de vingtaine et par pas mal de lectures de philo et de socio, d'art de vivre. Puis, j'ai quitté les réseaux sociaux y a 7 ans, demandé un temps partiel y a 5 ans (semaine de 4 jours pour commencer puis deux mois de vacances quelques années plus tard), j'ai posé comme toi des limites claires au travail (pourtant je suis manager et peut-être que ça montre l'exemple : on ne se dérange pas en dehors des heures de bureau et durant nos vacances, on quitte les locaux tôt, pas de présentéisme inutile, le climat de travail est beaucoup plus sain d'ailleurs). Je vis très simplement/sobrement, maison avec beaucoup de nature autour, je n'achète pas d'objets intuiles). Sans oublier une bonne hygiène de vie et respecter sa chronobiologie. Là, les bases sont posées pour une meilleure santé physique et mentale. Ce qui permet d'approfondir ensuite la dimension humaine : se connaître profondément, s'améliorer en tant que personne, découvrir ses besoins et poser ses limites, nouer des relations qui ont du sens, s'écarter de celles qui ne font pas de bien, profondément s'aimer, cultiver son âme (lectures, méditation)... c'est tellement riche au final. Mais je pense que c'est un mode de vie qui parle peut-être plus aux introvertis ?
Maintenant j'aimerais trouver un compagnon un peu dans la même philosophie, en conscience, altruiste, communiquant, qui a envie de construire un couple solide, de voyager ensemble, partager des expériences de vie, savourer de la bonne nourriture, écouter de la musique live et danser régulièrement 😊🌞😍


Thank you, I really enjoyed your video and I agree with you. I find pleasure gardening, going for nature walks or to the beach with my dog, turning off my phone and reading a book instead.


Things I don’t do anymore is say yes to things that will deplete me of energy just because I don’t want to hurt someone’s feeling or expectations. I used to go the extra mile on everything. Now I just do what I can and no more.


New subscriber and great video! I went down from working 5 to 3 days a week a couple of years ago and it's one of the best decisions I ever made. Combining it with getting a remote job and moving deep into the countryside is a real privilege... wish more people were able to make it work, I do feel very lucky.
