How Can You Be a Hero to Your Local Bike Club or Cycling Group | Florida Road Bicycle Safety Tips

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How can you be a hero to your Florida bike club or meetup cycling group? The number one way you can do that is to get Jim Dodson, aka The Florida Bike Guy to come speak at one of the meetings. We have found that there isn't anyone in Florida giving cyclists the message that Jim gives to his fellow cyclists.

If you have Jim come speak to your bicycle club, cycling meetup group, or bike shop they will walk away with important information they can use on the road that will keep them safe. Jim has been doing this for many years and has had a wonderful response from all the cyclists. He understands that most cyclists just want to ride. And they're not wanting to get all bogged down with the things that he as an attorney is concerned about... helmet technology, lane position, visibility, insurance and other safety concerns. So, he brings a message to cyclists that they need to know but in a fun and informative way.

Cyclists wanna go ride their bikes, come home and go about their day. They don't want to be concerned about some drivers not seeing them or not having enough insurance to cover an accident they might cause. There are definite things you can do that will substantially increase the likelihood for you to stay safer on Florida roads. And, Jim talks about all of this. He will give you specific examples and even goes over what he rides, what lights he has, the clothing he wears and even the insurance he has in case the worst were to happen.

Did you know that cyclists overestimate how people see us by a factor of almost 800%? So, we think we're being seen but really we aren't. Jim will talk to you about the insurance you should have. He is not selling anything, but he can tell you the insurance that every cyclist has to have on their bike to protect them from the number of drivers out there that don't have any insurance, or if they have some insurance, it's not nearly enough to protect you. He will give you very specific instructions, or suggestions on what kind of insurance, how much you need, and where you can get it.

Jim also goes over what kind of roads to avoid and where most crashes occur. He discusses the pros and cons of E-bikes if you want to talk about that. Some clubs want to and others don't. But if you have somebody interested in that, he's got a lot of information about E-bikes. The changes in the Florida cycling law that just went through a legislative session. There are some definite changes that were made. There were changes that needed to be made that weren't. He talks about that too.

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Jim shares valuable information cyclists cannot get from anywhere else!
