Swami Vivekananda’s Karma Yoga 17 · The Secret of Work · Swami Mahayogananda

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In-depth reading and study of Swami Vivekananda’s seminal text Karma Yoga.

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Freedom is the Goal of ALL the Yoga's !! The Highest Idea is to Harmonise ALL 13 MAEGISTER REGISTER pre-renaissance 5 Tone HARMONIES (on my guitar) 🙂


Bhagavan SriKrishna clearly explained about karma yoga. Refer chapter 3 to 8 chapters. But I give few examples here guiding Swami ji. Lord says that there are three types Karma. They are Karma, Akarma and Vikarma. Let swami ji explain what are these.I tried my best to post in small paper in YouTube. It is an extended subject that what my Guru ji Sri Chinmayananda ji taught me, as I am His student. I am not criticizing any one, .in karma yoga there are three Bags hanging to a bar!! Oncke you know this people will understand Karma Yoga in full.I request You tube officers to give me a chance.
