Army Men: Battle of the Backyard | Micro Wars 6

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We've pushed the aliens back, it's time to take back the backyard.

Hera - Alexis Loiselle
Strategos - Jokeboyy
Hoplite: mncdover

Aliaksei Yukhnevich - End Of The Abyss (Copyright Free Music)

VictorWayne - Robot (Copyright Free Music)

Inspired by Plastic Apocalypse.

Models from:

#plasticapocalypse #alieninvasion #armymen
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Considering the ending of Plastic Apocalypse, and the lack of Army Men Stop Motion on YT, seeing some truly amazing stuff makes me happy.
Your content has been damn good for years, and seeing the improvement is even better!!


One needs to be at their lowest for the final victory to be all the sweeter


These operations seem to indicate that the hover tanks are not really tanks at all, but more... Well, along the lines of heavily protected Stryker MGS systems that float.


Recommended actions:
Begin design of M1UA. Tank reinforced with increased thickness armor and reactives. Utilization weapon coilgun from Project MARAUDER
Redeploy units to defensive stance, deploy groundbased defense Centurion
Begin design of Breakwater laser defense gun
Begin design of F35D. Aircraft reinforced with longer range weapons to maintain standoff against new enemy weapons. Utilization of captured antigravity equipment to allow for extreme maneuvers without airframe destruction


I feel heartbroken for the poor soldiers who could not win what seemed a great victory at hand.


Basic tactics displayed, a simple fire mission for artillery, basic commands for tank engagements both voiced correctly and displayed, and armor isn't portrayed as invincible; outstanding! And the result of the battle, with higher casualties, because of the platoon leader's delay in withdrawing from higher, and the radio chatter sounds good! I mean literally, as other comments have said, this channel can do seemingly what noone else hardly does. Truly great work!


Does anyone else love the fact that there are words on the tank's barrels "Diplomacy Failed", "Black Star", and "Black Echo."


I'm not pulling your leg when I say this has been WAY better story telling, and cinematography - than I've seen in any 'real' movies in some time. Especially the tactics, the use of music and dramatic effects like the missile launcher's lights lighting up - very well done.

Can't thank you enough for this, it's been a heck of a ride so far, and I can't wait to see where you take the story from here!


Thank you so much for putting all your time into this absolute masterpiece


RIP Hoplite. Let us never forget those who journeyed into the howling dark and did not return.


THE WAIT WAS WORTH IT!!! But not to see base camp be destroyed :(


This was fascinating to watch. The creators obviously put a lot of time and effort into the special effects. Spectacular!


I enjoyed this immensely. Superb models and minis, great voice overs and sound effects, and effective camera work and editing. You really bring toy soldiers to life, them giving a better performance than some live actors I've watched. Can't wait for the sequel to see the Aliens receive their payback.


Let’s go!! I swear every time you upload, your vfx somehow keep improving, I thought I was going to lose my mind when the jets got involved.

Love the use of Mega Construx soldiers to show the tank crews, love that the aliens still feel like a credible threat without it feeling like a “Gun, Big Gun, Bigger Gun.” trope, love how intense and soul wrenching you managed to set the mood when things get turn around at the end.

Only real thing that gave me pause is the lack of Kalythians and Xanzon working together again since in the previous episodes it always felt like this monumental moment when enemies were able to come together against the bigger threat. Granted, it does make sense that a few cooperative moments won’t erase their previous wars, just something that caught my attention.

With all that said, you were top notch eight years ago and you continue to be top notch. Keep up the great work!


The long awaited Micro wars 6 is here, IM SO EXITED!!


Completely worth the Wait, Great Job as always BlackStarInitative, I do my own versions only through Men of War :) Keep up the good work, I can't wait to see what happens next :D


I enjoyed this a lot more than I should have at my age!

Brought me right back to my youth…this is how it was in my head too as a kid in my own back garden.


I stumbled into this an hour or so ago as it showed up randomly in my recommended. I've now seen all of the videos in the micro wars series and let me just say, Jesus Christ the quality.
I remember playing with and watching stop motion plastic soldiers as a kid and this series reminded me so much of that childlike wonderment, thank you for this and keep up the fantastic work.
You gained a new subscriber and I eagerly look forward to where the story goes next!


I was at the edge of tears of excitement, I've been a loooong time fan of stop motion wars like these and it's been a really long time since I saw something like this, made those 11 minutes feel like 2 minutes. Definitely subscribing, congratulations!


i used to make videos with my son using plastic army men and remote controlled robots and dinosaurs. Reminded me of those days. Great job, wow. This is on another level for sure.
