Vectors Application IGCSE Q26 June 2016 - EDEXCEL - GCSE

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#anilkumar #globalmathinstitute #gcse_functions #sat_functions #EQAO #ibslmath #igcse_extended #gcse_extended #Igcse_0580 #LinearSystems #GCSE_9 #SAT_Math2 #EQAO_9
Q21. Each student in a group of 32 was asked the question:
“Do you have a desktop computer (D), a laptop (L) or a tablet (T)”
Their answers showed that
19 students have a desktop computer
17 students have a laptop computer
16 students have a tablet
9 students have both desktop and laptop
11 students have both desktop and tablet
7 students have both laptop and tablet
5 students have all three
Q21a. Make a Venn Diagram.
Q21b. One of the student with both desktop and a laptop is chosen at random. Find the probability that this student also has a tablet. #edexcel #vectors #MCV4U_Vectors
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