TNC169- Loving a Narcissist. Do you deserve better in your relationship with a narcissistic person

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Loving a Narcissist. Do you deserve better in your relationship with a narcissistic person. You may think you deserve better, but do you actually believe it.

Welcome my channel! If this is your first time seeing my face or hearing my voice, my name is Lee and I am a self aware #narcissist. I have narcissistic personality disorder ( #NPD ) and I've been in therapy for my personality disorder since 2017 and it has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything.

The point of these videos is to help bring awareness from the other side of the narcissistic *buse spectrum. All my videos give perspective on why many narcissists do what they do and the possible different reasons behind them. The victims and survivors get validation and the #Narcissists (those that are willing) get to see that you can get help and that you are not alone.

You can find me on -

Click the BEACON up top for direct links. Thank you so much and lets HEAL together

What blew my mind was how he could have affairs, lie, beat me up, verbally abuse me. But I could never do those things to him, to anyone. That shows me right there that I deserve better. I just couldn't hurt someone on purpose like that. Everyone deserves netter then all that.


I know I deserve better! It just hurts and sad. Thank you for all you do! I start watching your videos every time I start ruminating about the good times with my ex.


I thank God that I KNEW I deserved better when I was with my narcissist. I was able to get out of that relationship and now on the road to healing. 🥰


Your videos pushed me to finally leave my ex narc 🤡 at the circus where he belongs. I knew when I was seeing couples out and buying nice gifts for their sig others or just treating them nice that I deserved so much better. I don’t deserve to say I wish my ex did this or that. I’m glad to finally be free


You are absolutely the best motivator thank you 🙏 telling us narcissistic playbook. Appreciated


This may be the or at the very least one of the most important videos you have made. We can not thank you enough for what you do.


Lee, I watched the interview you did with Laura and I just want to say how helpful, what a brave thing that was to do. Just want to keep encouraging you to continue trading in your ashes for beauty. It's never easy dying to self. Keep going, I truly believe your childhood trauma & burden is going to continue to be a blessing in helping others. Praying for you, your family and those of us who have had to learn the hard way by someone's maltreatment of us on Narcissism. It was hell going through it but since I NOW understand NPD, I know how to set healthy boundaries, I understand that love does NOT change other people or their character, personality and I have compassion and empathy for those that suffer with NPD..because I KNOW it came about behind their OWN childhood trauma. We just have to keep working on ourselves so that we can continue Breaking generational curses in Jesus name.


Seek the most high for that deliverance brother. I pray tmh heals you. Seek his face. These drs can't help you the way the most high will


I love how you apologized "I'm so sorry, I have no idea what happend, it just did". Great way to take ownership 🤣 its not hate, it just helped me see you as a narcissist ;)


I know I deserve better but I can't get away from the narcissist!


Im so happy watching your channel becsuse I just realized that narcissistic people have true feelings and there are many people who are not narcissist but they are worst ....!!!!


I believe it🌟 …but, will he ever, ever, ever, leave me alone? He is blocked everywhere, I moved 3000mi away to escape him. It has been almost 3 years, and he will not stop with his emails. I never respond. He is an abusive cheater, a liar, and an alcoholic. I am so happy without him. I am healing. I am calm. I am free…until he emails. I don’t understand why he treated me like garbage; but wants me back. I know I deserve better. I deserve to be left alone too😉


Thank you so much, this is exactly what I needed to hear now


Sometimes I think it is less what you deserve and more breaking the habit. It becomes an addiction like cigarettes or alcohol or so many other things. You know it is not good for you and will be brutal but you become habituated. The truths are hard. Lee is right. You won't be able to give enough. You have to make the hard choices.


I am starting to learn and yes i do believe i deserve better.


I love Haven... I talk to her everyday. She's cool people.


Filing the police complaint was so difficult. Had to go to the same place, near our once home. Only two days had passed since i left him, and i forgot the roads to that place completely. Felt scared to go there, so my uncle helped me. once it was done, i felt worse. Felt it was unnecessary. But actually i was wrong. He would have kept stalking me, scaring me and what not. I even requested the police not to investigate too much. He's the only earning member of his parents family. His reputation mustn't be tempered. What did he do? Kept lovebombing n hovering me even though i wasn’t replying, and at the same time accusing me of cheating while lovebombing another girl and her family to marry him. No one let me be near him after that. I'm not doing better. Everyone is upset and annoyed at me Because I'm unemployed. But at nights i sleep better knowing he wont make me walk on eggshells ever again, always keep me in fear that he might hit me anytime.


That’s exactly what happened in my relationship.


I love the old narcissist, but I just don't want to deal with it. I do deserve better and I will have better. I don't mind being single, I do single fine. So when it appears in my life cool, if it doesn't I'm fine. I'm to old to be going through this crap, and I know he won't ever get help, so it's a waste of my time. I'm 60 years old he's 64 years old, when does he grow up? It's like dealing with an extremely spoiled child. 🙄


Debating on getting a restraining order but I’m afraid for some reason
