How To Let A Cat Out For The First Time! Advice For Letting Your Cat Outside For The First Time!

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How To Let A Cat Out For The First Time! Advice For Letting Your Cat Outside For The First Time! Most cats love having a snoop around the garden and go off on adventures in the outside world! But letting them out for the first time can be tricky, not only for your cat but your peace of mind. Claire and Rags are here to share some advice and tis on making your cats first trip outside, either after moving home or having adopted a new moggy, easy and stress-free.

Relax My Cat are experts in creating relaxing music to help calm your cat and help them sleep. Our music is composed in-house by our team of producers, and uses binaural technology designed to relax and calm your cat. If your cat has sleeping problems or anxiety problems or is even stressed during construction, fireworks or other loud noises, you should try our music.

♫♫♫ Relax My Cat Music on iTunes:

Relax My Cat's music will help to calm and soothe your cat or kitten in a variety of situations. Minimise separation anxiety, reduce hyperactivity, minimise fear of thunderstorms or fireworks, stop unwanted whining, comfort sick or injured cats and calm your cat on car journeys - Relax My Cat does it all!

Our music is based on feline vocal communication and environmental sounds that pique the interest of cats; it is written in a musical language that is uniquely designed to appeal to the domestic cat. All of the music is recorded on traditional instruments and the human voice. No actual cat, mouse, or bird calls are used (although it may sound like it).

Relax My Cat’s music is unique, and will help in a variety of situations as a substitute for medication. We have helped thousands of cats and kittens worldwide to sleep and reduce their anxiety. Music therapy for your cat can keep them calm, happy and healthy, and it is a great way to rehabilitate rescue cats - or just get your kitten or cat used to their new home.

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Tried letting my cat out for the first time today. The moment he got outside, he morphed into a giant lion, tried to eat me, and then ran away. :(


I make sure to ding their empty metal bowl like a bell when I feed my bunch so they associate the sound with food. This makes it more likely they will come home when they hear that sound if they escape. Bubba escapes outside now and again--I let him check in with the neighbor kittens/cats for an hour or so (he is neutered and is not the father of any of the kittens, but he seems to consider the kittens his responsibility), then I "ring the dinner bowl-bell" and he comes right in.


Yeah this is can be a bit awkward ....but start slow and small first ...keep a door open and go outside with them and give them some treats when they come in ...and just let them search and discover their garden..


Nothing more peaceful than sitting outside in your porch in the middle of the night having a cigarette while your cats chillin with you.


This was exactly what I was looking for. Our boy, Binx, is an indoor/outdoor cat. The dinner bell/bowl tactic definitely works. We are super lucky that Binx comes running, most of the time, when we whistle for him. I like the idea of keeping him inside at the new house with lots of toys for a 4-7 days. Thanks for the tips.


I live in an apartment, we trained my cat to go on a leash just like dogs do but he didn't really like the idea so we decided to put a name tag without the leash and go outside with him, I sometimes let him all by his own but my neighbor which is also my friend watches over him. When he is one his own we trained him to go under our balcony and just sit there, when he does that we go outside and take him. It was a stressful at the beginning, he was just meowing the whole time at the door, and wanted to be outside the whole day. All though thank you very much for the name tag idea thing it's really helpful and I wouldn't have thought about it! Lots of love


Apparently keeping their litter box by the door will help them to come back ☺️


My cat is a fking legend when he first went out he didn’t come back tilll 6 at night he keeps doing it and he doesn’t get lost


This was really helpful, I’m just so scared to let my Willow out, but your tips make me feel better about the idea, thank you!💗


Here are some of my tips before letting your cat otuside!~

1•Before letting you cat outside make sure your cat is neutered.

2•Microchip them, no one wants to loose their fur baby!

3•Leave food and water outside and leave a litterbox for them to use.

4•Do it in the warmer seasons so your cat wont get cold.

4•Comfort them while there outside.

5•If you have other cats that might go outisde let your other cat tag along with them.


I let my cat outside on a leash for a while now. Shes nearly 9 months
Shes always very upset when she has to come back inside..
Im scared shell be so happy to be free she wont come back when i let her out 😭


That was one thing about my cat. She HATED being outside. I could leave ALL the doors and windows all day long and she would NEVER leave the house, in fact she'd be hiding behind or under furniture as soon as she finds out that the front or back door was open...


Why not suggest a harness for the cat ? Where I live we have coyotes and they kill small dogs and all cats. My cat is an indoor cat for that reason


Aside from the microchip, they should be spayed/neutered ánd vaccinated before they go outside. Check with your vet, and if your cat has a condition that can spread to other cats, be responsible and keep them in.


My cat is terrified of outdoors. She also pretty much lives under the bed all day. Does anyone have any tips about how to help her feel more comfortable?


My cat keeps going outside for the past 3 weeks and I keep bringing him back in but I left him out this morning.. it’s 1am and I see him making new friends lol they are just sitting around chilling. Looks like all his buddies left to go eat and sleep but he still doesn’t want to come inside.. (he has a great life inside ig he loves th outdoors) but my other cat LOVES to stay inside on his heated bed lol just like his mama


This is an very important clip for everyone to see. Thanks! Both my cats are indoor cats. But one day we might move to a place where they can be outside to. Hugs from Norway.


Thank you thank you so much I took my cat out 2 years ago and she almost ran into the street when I lost her leash but luckily I grabbed it in time to save her


I’m tryna make my cat go outside but he’s too fukin scared to even walk out the door😂


Thank you for the suggestions 🥰 was really looking for something exactly like this!
