A Genealogical Take On The Historical Adam & Eve

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Dr. S. Joshua Swamidass of Washington University in St. Louis explores one way, among others, that evolutionary and biblical accounts of creation might relate to each other. In particular, he attempts to clear up some confusion regarding how genetic and genealogical data weigh in on the plausibility of a historical Adam and Eve. This lecture was hosted by the Graduate Christian Fellowship at Northwestern University and funded through a STEAM Project Grant thanks to the generosity of the Templeton Foundation and the diligent work of Fuller Seminary.

Note: This video has a few bugs and lacks slides but will be updated soon. Also, the video cuts off at some point during the Q&A because we ran out of space on our SD video card. We apologize for the inconvenience but wanted you to know the event was almost done so there's not much missing.
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The below message to Dr.WLC is also applied to Dr.Joshua Swamidass. Dr.WLC considers 1st 11 chapters of Genesis as mytho-history but what happened in Adam's life when the day he ate the forbidden fruit was that his Spirit which belongs of God was departed as/Genesis 2:17, and instead the finite Spirit or unclean Spirit arrived into his physical, so he lived as a sinner 930 years, thus Adam passed over from Eternal life unto Death.

The same is reversed in the NT, through JESUS it's possible to Passover from Death unto Eternal life as/John 5:24.

So, if Genesis 1st 11 charter's are mytho-history then would Dr.WLC consider John 5:24 is also mytho-history?

The Holy Spirit made available since 1st century, so as to Passover from death unto Eternal life, that's to say the unclean Spirit or finite Spirit that's passed on through DNA from the Parent's must be departed from the body and instead the Holy Spirit must be arrived back into the body.

Thus, Passover from death unto eternal life literally.

However, this has not happened to anybody and that's why people like Dr.WLC write books and making confusions among the masses.

Hope, you would think of this message and share your opinion.

Thank you.


I completely agree with swamidas on historical Adam
Thank u sir swamidas


Dr William Lane Craig's podcast brought me here


Why is someone eating an apple and coughing, next to the camera and microphone...?


Anthropos means human in greek. Sorry bud. Of course the Bible doesn’t deal with taxonomy. Humans are a separate category of creatures. In science, humans are classified as a specie in the animal kingdom.


You have 1 subscriber and get more views than l lol
