Doctrine of the Church: Part 11 - Consubstantiation & Other Views

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"Defenders" is Dr. William Lane Craig's weekly Sunday school class on Christian doctrine and apologetics. This video is part 11 of his locus on the Doctrine of the Church.

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Been studying this in systematic theology. God and Dr. Craig working to help me think about this faithfully.


While I think his definition is correct for the lutheran view, the correct term is Sacramental Union, not consubstantiation.


When the truth is being expressed, it gets directly to the point without any confusion or going round and round in circles or stopping if at some obscure location in the way.
The type of drivel being explained in this video, show any person with a capacity to think for themselves that this sort of nonsense makes no sense for good reason.
Believing in this is a list cause that baffles the true message Y'Esua really expressed.
To know that Our Creator is sponsoring life and asks a re-sponse, using the abilities given to us.
That true re-spect for life ?means re-looking at our motives before we act.
That we can take life for granted, or realised this life has been granted to us and become grateful for life

People who teach less than this while ignoring these pillars are liars and hypocrites, who have no right to claim they are speaking on Our Creator's behalf.


For those of you interested in the Lutheran view on the Lord's Supper, check out Dr. Jordan Cooper on his Just and Sinner channel. He's a Lutheran theologian and does a really good job explaining these things that can be, let's be honest, complex for your average church goer or arm chair theologian. And I humbly include myself in that group.


Thank you for this Dr. Craig. I’m not sure that I see any real, substantial difference between the Roman Catholic view and the Lutheran view (i.e. between transubstantiation and consubstantiation). Both views believe that the real body and blood of Christ are present in the supper and that the worshipper is eating the body / flesh of Christ and drinking the blood of Christ, regardless of whether the elements are “transformed” or not. Is that not true?Perhaps that will be explained in the next video? I appreciate your videos very much.


We believe in a young Earth because of science, mainly the hydro plate theory not the Bible. Lying is not very Christian of "dr.Craig." Nesta Webster, and Ron Wyatt awaiting you.
