Nikki's Inflammatory Breast Cancer Story: 'I NEVER had a Lump' | The Patient Story

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Nikki, a mother of two, shares her experience with inflammatory breast cancer, a rare form of cancer that often presents without a lump. Nikki’s cancer journey first began in 2016 when doctors discovered a stage 3 tumor in her lymph nodes and small bowel. Fortunately, the diagnosis was made in time and she underwent keyhole surgery to remove the cancer.

However, in 2022, Nikki started experiencing pain in her right breast, specifically around her nipple. Despite a family history of breast cancer and the presence of other symptoms, such as an inverted nipple, she initially dismissed the pain. It wasn’t until her nipple became completely inverted that she made a doctor appointment. Her doctor referred her urgently for further testing, eventually leading to a diagnosis of stage 3 inflammatory breast cancer.

In this story she highlights the importance of being vigilant about one’s health and advocating for oneself. It also sheds light on the lesser-known signs and symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer.

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Contents of this video:
00:00 Introduction
02:14 Discovering a stage 3 tumor
03:12 I ignored my first symptoms
05:38 Getting the diagnosis
07:27 Processing the diagnosis
12:34 Chemotherapy & side effects
18:51 Words of advice
24:06 Scanxiety

#thepatientstory #cancer #cancerstories #breastcancer #bcsm #inflammatorybreastcancer #breastcancerawareness #breastcancersurvivor #breastcancerresearch #mammogram #earlydetectionsaveslives #breastcancertreatment
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We’d love to hear from you: what were some of your first symptoms? Leave us a comment below 👇


I can see why you love being a teacher as you told your story with grace & dignity. I wish you a full recovery & send my best wishes to you & your family.


What a fabulous video. This should be essential viewing for everyone.
You are a true hero


My breast cancer hurt as well. I wish doctors would investigate boob pain the way they investigate lumps.


Thank you for being honest and speaking so frankly. You are easy to listen to, you have a good way with words and a lovely warm and level way of speaking. I wish you and your family the best.


Nikki, you express yourself so well. I enjoyed so much hearing everything you had to say. Good luck with everything.


Not sure how I found myself on your post - but I just had to say what a brave, honest portrayal you have given. Your strength and way of expressing your fears and brutal honesty is graceful. Your love and consideration for your family and those around you shows. This all makes me think I would most definitely want to be a friend of yours. If our paths ever cross - you would have a friend in the US. I think your cancer has met its match!


Thank you for sharing your story. I hope you’re doing well.


Your sweet for sharing your story, brave child.


Thank you Nikki, you have given your viewers an honest and detailed account of your medical problems straight up. I really admire you, you have done so well, so just keep on going there. You are such a relief from the American stuff on Utube, you say it how it is, but THEY bathe in it. You did what you did to help others and I applaud that, the Americans do it for users to subscribe, 'oh my wife has breast cancer', let's make a video. Ridiculous. They even do stuff in the car later, filming themselves with bad news. Who does that? But maybe it is fake, who knows and who cares, I never subscribe to that rubbish. However, YOU, with your story, can make a lot of difference to someone's life. Thank you.


Ladies please do annual check at radiologist! I do that last 20 years and i sleep without worries.


I have an insane patents story I need to tell. If I’d only listen to doctors I’d be dead.


Nikki's story highlights the fact that breast cancer doesn't always present with a noticeable lump, making it even more critical for everyone to be aware of the various symptoms and signs. Inflammatory Breast Cancer is an aggressive form of cancer that can progress rapidly, underscoring the urgency of seeking medical attention if any unusual changes in the breast or skin are noticed.



I'm not very religious, that said, god bless you


All the best wishes 🙏
God is good
Take care 💗


I wish you all the best, stay strong as you are! ❤


I'm learning through my jouney to listen to yourself. Your most likely right


Thank you for sharing your story I am going through very similar at the moment, I also heard breast pain is not usually a sign of breast cancer so I’ve been thinking cyst or something else I’ve had breast cysts before but this is different my nipples are now inverted so that’s a little alarming any way I’m getting another ultra sound and mammogram next month so I shall go from there.


if you have an inflammatory breast cancer, does your breast hurt?do you have nipple discharge?


Did you get genetic testing? It could answer questions and tell you what other cancers you should screen for. My genetic testing explained my breast cancer. It identified another type of cancer the doctors want to screen for more frequently, and guided my doctor to order an ultrasound screening as a baseline rather than in response to symptoms. The ultrasound identified another type of cancer that was surgically and nuclear treated. I highly recommend you get genetic testing
