Dworzec Łódź Kaliska -przebudowa peronów 4, 5 i wiaduktu wschodniego/(reconstruction platforms 4, 5)
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Przebudowa stacji Łódź Kaliska to jedna z największych inwestycji kolejowych na obszarze łódzkiego węzła kolejowego. Trwa rozbiórka peronów oznaczonych numerami 4, 5 i 6. Usuwane są wyeksploatowane elementy wiaduktu wschodniego oraz przejścia podziemnego pod peronami 4, 5 i 6. Przejście to, podobnie jak i sam wiadukt, nigdy nie zostało oddane do użytku. Tory kończyły się kozłami oporowymi przed nigdy nieotwartym wschodnim wiaduktem nad al. Bandurskiego. Niestety po zakończeniu przebudowy liczba peronów ma zostać zmniejszona do pięciu. Koniec prac zaplanowano na październik 2022 roku.
Łódź Kaliska Railway Station (reconstruction of platforms 4 and 5 and the eastern viaduct). The reconstruction of the Łódź Kaliska station is one of the largest railway investments in the area of the Łódź railway junction. The platforms marked with numbers 4, 5 and 6 are being dismantled. The worn out elements of the eastern viaduct and the underpass under platforms 4, 5 and 6 are being removed. This passage, like the viaduct itself, has never been put into use. The tracks ended with the trestles in front of the never opened eastern viaduct over avenue Bandurski. Unfortunately, after the reconstruction is completed, the number of platforms is to be reduced to five. The end of works is scheduled for October 2022.
Łódź Kaliska Railway Station (reconstruction of platforms 4 and 5 and the eastern viaduct). The reconstruction of the Łódź Kaliska station is one of the largest railway investments in the area of the Łódź railway junction. The platforms marked with numbers 4, 5 and 6 are being dismantled. The worn out elements of the eastern viaduct and the underpass under platforms 4, 5 and 6 are being removed. This passage, like the viaduct itself, has never been put into use. The tracks ended with the trestles in front of the never opened eastern viaduct over avenue Bandurski. Unfortunately, after the reconstruction is completed, the number of platforms is to be reduced to five. The end of works is scheduled for October 2022.