FNF MOD: Hypno's Lullaby V2 - Pasta Night

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joke song, where is hypno, sonic, mx, the 3 creepypastas,
in a bar, where we can see more creepypastas in the background like sad mouse, bart, jefft the killer and more, that's why the song pasta night, which is creepypasta and night, creepypasta night

(Walkthrough/MX vs LORD SONIC vs HYPNO/HARD)
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Channel dedicated to Friday Night Funkin'
Recreations, Mods, Tutorial, Walktrought For a mod, Covers
This channel is dedicated to new modifications and I also show them complete (walktrough) so that they can observe how the mod is and see how they are completed

Friday night funkin' is a free game, this game stands out for its open source, where you can modify absolutely any aspect of the game, and I teach the same thing here on my channel, incredible modifications, which transform friday night funkin' into a game More than just pressing arrows, I also show in each video a full combo (Complete it without fail, without losing any notes) you can use as a guide to get where you want to go or you can watch the video to see the end if you wish, my videos are Free to use, I mean, if you want to use my video of a mod to the game, you can do it, I won't give you a strike or anything, but it would also be nice if you credit me for the work I did on the mod

[Video recorded, edited, exported and uploaded 100% by me]

Friday night funkin' Kickstarter

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Man I love how everyone just unanimously agrees that all the creepypasta characters are best friends


Fun fact: the mechanics you'll have to deal with depends on who you play as,
As MX, you have to deal with Hypno's pendulum
As Hypno, you'll have to deal with MX's Pow Block
As Lord X, you have to deal with both.


1:19 i love that lord x and mx are just like "get a load of the newbie" "lets sing together like bros do"


I love the idea that they all have a way to sabotage each other but they're all here for it.


Only now did I realize that not only do both Lord X and MX have very similar poses, but when they do their left ones they're looking at each other, this song feels like real bros accepting Hypno to make a brotrio.


here's what type of uno players i think MX, Lord X, and Hypno are

MX: likes to play dirty, a more casual uno player
Lord X: the strategist, takes the game way too seriously
Hypno: "how the fuck do i play this game"


I don't know why but I really love how Hypno puts on a little bowtie to spend the night with the homies.

That's a classy murderous hypno right there folks.


I’d like to imagine they’re all holding completely different cards and none of them know what game they’re actually playing


This song will remain the core of the legendary mod that got canceled


That idea of MX pounding his fist on the table really shows the amount of small little details they add to these things, which is really great for what people who make these kinds of mods are capable of.
Kinda random, but I also like the idea that they are the three main colours. Red blue and yellow. I don’t think that was intentional tho.


I like how mx has a cigarette in his mouth showing he's the only mod not cancelled


I remember this song was leaked a bit after lullaby's release, they didn't changr anything about the song. MX's POW block mechanic could be tedious for some people but well implemented, also the only one who didn't have a model change was lord X.


Fun fact: the Pokédex says that hypno doesn’t hold anything else but his ringy dingy but on his right turn he shows that he holds a card, (pasta night)


This song is honestly my top 1 favorite here is why:
1 The characters are so expressive
lemme explain each of them
Mario X: He plays dirty he uses the pow block to change the scroll from upscroll to downscroll or from downscroll to upscroll, he is also has a cigarette which shows he is kind of casual and chill in uno
Lord X: He is probably that one guy who takes uno very seriously he even got that hat (which for me shows he is a serious player) i dont think he cheats so he kind of plays fair
Hypno: That one guy who doesnt know how to play uno, dude you can tell by the expressions on his idle literally scratching his head out of confusion, he even brought pokemon cards in a game of UNO lmao he also plays dirty like MX he uses his pendelum to mess up MX and Lord X
2 Banger song ofcourse
3 The artstyle and graphics are so good and unique
4 You can play as one of the three characters
5 Its kinda fun if ur good at the game


So many classics in one room

It’s horrifically nostalgic


I just realized that Pasta Night is called that because all the characters are creepyPASTAs


What an irony, while Mario tries to sabotage you with the Pow Cube, and Hyno uses his pendule, Lord X is the only one who "Plays Fair"


DAMN! I thought it would force you to just be lord x at first, but I'm genuinely surprised it allows you to choose who you play as.


We can all agree the fact that MX is smoking fits him perfectly?


for the people downloading the cancelled build, press 7 on the menu to unlock all the songs and weeks since some are unplayable without doing so
