Body Language Never Lies

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Hey everybody, today we’re going to explore the mind/body connection by talking about 3 specific physical movement you can use to help you become more successful in your business life as well as your personal life. I know you’ll love today's topic.

For those of you that don’t know me, I’m hypnotherapist and coach Michele Burghardt and I help individuals and teams change their behaviors, thoughts, habits, and beliefs so they can reach the amazing goals they set for themselves. And I’m so happy you’re joining me.

In my videos I like to explore topics involving how the brain works, that are interesting, and have a practical application. The reason my clients experience so much success is that with me they get this one-two punch that helps them work from the inside out & the outside in, and today you’re going to learn some super cool information that works like that too.

There is so much information out there today on body language, but these 3 three topics are a good start. This is coming from Janine Driver .. if you want to learn more, I’m a fan of hers and you may be too.

First let’s talk about eye blocking. Yes we know that someone who doesn't make eye contact may lack self confidence, etc. but that’s not what I want to discuss today.

I’m talking about when someone closes their eyes all the way when they're talking, or maybe it's like a squint. This may mean that they’re trying to block out the truth, or they’re frustrated, upset or struggling with something emotionally.

Yes, this is all done subconsciously, so when you see a squint know the words they are saying – may not reflect either the truth or how they truly feel. As a side bar, if you walk up to someone and they squint, you can almost bet they don’t like you, so if they’re important to you in your personal or business life, you’ll want to make an effort to build some better rapport. And I can help you with that as well.

The next thing I want to discuss is the shrug.
Of course it’s easy to understand the shrugginggggggggg. Do you think flying to the moon is a good idea. Sure.

But I’m asking you to watch for those little shrugs that can easily go unnoticed. If you ask someone a question and see a little nano second shrug that means they’re uncertain about what they’re saying and doing. It can almost look like a tiny little twitch. This is even helpful to use in a sales appointment because regardless of what your prospect is saying, you’ll know by their body movement if they are really ready to buy.

The third thing I want you share is called lip locking. If you’re listening to someone and their lips disappear, that’s telling you they don’t like something they’re seeing or hearing. So if you tell someone you’re leaving at 8, and they say OK. But their lips disappear, you know they really don’t want to leave at 8 oclock at all. It doesn’t have to be dramatic. Just notice if their lips match their words.

In all three of these examples, these are automatic physical responses. You aren’t aware they are happening. The subconscious is sending the signals to the body because emotions are stored in the subconscious. And if there is ever a battle between subconscious and conscious – subconscious wins every time.

So before I sign off for today I want to ask you to please use these signals for good not evil. Even this little bit of knowledge puts you leaps and bounds above what most people know – so be kind.

And remember that if you’re receiving this information - your body is also sending this information. They are automatic physical responses.

Our brain wants us to be true and authentic to ourselves, and if we aren’t – it throws in some safeguards to make that happen anyway.

So I hope you found this information useful. If you did, please like the video so even more people can see it. You can even subscribe to my channel and get all my videos hot off the press.

Of course if you like to work with me or have questions you can all me or use the link to schedule a free chat.

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