Stranger Things main theme: how to sound design the main arp sound with the OB-6

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This sound design tutorial will teach you how to approach the main theme of Stanger Things. The sound is a simple combination of a pulse wave with a sub oscillator to create the arpeggio.

The Sequential Circuits OB-6 can do a respectable job of coming close to the sound, because of the SEM filter that is borrowed from the original Oberheim that was used in the main theme.

Analog synthesizers have found a way back into film music, which has led to a lot of rich experimentation of what these instruments are capable of. I think my main takeaway is the heavy use of envelope, and setting the filter modulation much lower than a normal synth pluck would require. Also, having a really dry sound mixed in with lots of ambience really cuts through in a way that creates a strong effect.

I hope you learn something from this tutorial, and it gives you some ideas to try out! Please let me know if there are any questions, or if anyone knows what instrument was used on the film. I would guess a Minimoog or similar.
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Thanks for this, I have an OB6 and I really appreciate you taking the time to walk through the process.
