The 3 Brains of the Body Pt. 1 - Philosophy of the Day

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#philosophyoftheday: Your body has three three brains (🧠, ❤️, gut), get all three adjusted to go along with proper thinking.. #alignment, a battle worth fighting for.

HMU for questions/comments on how to get the different 3 in alignment for the whole. If it doesn’t cross my antennas as obscure/weird, we can figure som’n out lol.

#Hyyer #HyyerCo #hyyerthinking #hyyerlifestyle #hyyerlivin #3brains #bodyalignment #properthinking #reminder #philosophy #listentoyourgut #listentoyourheart #getyamindright #focustraining #knowledgewisdomunderstanding #healthandwellness #healthandwellnesscompany
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