Raising the Achievement of All Learners in Inclusive Education – East Kilbride, UK (Scotland)

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The Agency’s Raising the Achievement of All Learners in Inclusive Education project (2014–2017) aims to provide evidence of effective practice in raising achievement and building the capacity of schools and communities to include and support all learners.
The project involves a range of stakeholders including school leaders, researchers, teachers, parents and learners, as well as local and national policy makers. Three Learning Communities were chosen to take forward the school-based work: in Rome, Italy, in Łajski, Poland and in East Kilbride, UK (Scotland).
In 2015, the project team and participants visited the three sites in order to explore the identified issues and support the learning communities to introduce relevant initiatives. Follow-up visits to the three Learning Communities took place during 2016.

Video from the Learning Community in East Kilbride, UK (Scotland)

Maths teachers discuss how they encourage a growth mindset that helps learners to see mistakes as learning opportunities. The teachers highlight the connection between hard work and success and emphasise the importance of practise. Use of the word ‘yet’ marks the difference between a fixed mindset and growth mindset. Learners explain how this change in mindset has helped them improve.
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