The Railway Children Return | New Hornby LMS Class 4F | Unboxing

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A goodie bag full of all things Railway Children, including the new Hornby 4F from the new movie!

Thanks for watching!

0:00 Intro
2:00 Goodie Bag
4:48 Loco Unboxing
8:31 Loco Ranting
12:00 Loco Performance
14:33 Conclusion
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I bought an airfix 4F for my dad from a trade stand at a vintage show for £30. It doesn't look bad for an old loco but it's one of the best running locos he's got.


I like your honesty Sam, it adds a lot to the videos.Keep it up!


Fun fact: the 4f is actually james' basis!


Edith Nesbit, author of the original 1905 book, wrote it whilst living near SECR line at Halstead, so a Wainwright H class in all its green and brass glory would have been much more appropriate and the Bluebell Railway have one that would be perfect for the next remake.
I believe Sam reviewed a Hornby version in 2017.


It's likely that the black box around the cab number and the rectangular gold lining around the "LMS" lettering, is the result of covering a "British Railways" late totem on the tender and BR style number on the cab with some sort of vinyl sticker. Studio Canal probably didn't have the budget or inclination to have the locomotive repainted/totem removed for what was probably 1-2 weeks of filming.


That was very generous of Studio Canal to send you a little goodie bag. I heard mixed reviews about the movie so you’ll have to tell your personal experience with this new instalment. I can’t wait to see it when it comes in my country in a couple of months time.


Sam, I think the word you're looking for is 'venerable'. 'The venerable Hornby 4F'. Sounds good doesn't it? The issue is of course a venerable loco needs a price tag to match. At ~£80 this would be fine, for £140 it most definitely isn't. Cheers.


This is a great tribute Sam given Bernard Cribbins who played Mr Perks in the original movie sadly died this morning. He'd be proud of your enthusiasm despite the overall model accuracy 😊😔💔


That’s really kind and nice of them to send you all of those goodies! It’s fine just to open some things for free once in a while.


Sam, the original Airfix 4f was a tender driven loco with a big weight in the boiler and plenty of space under the boiler instead of the motor block. My old one still runs as sweet as a nut.


I got one of these a couple years ago and what I’ve done is filled the body with as much metal as possible and the traction tyres being quite thin I find are fine to remove them

It can haul every wagon that I have now!


all the old Hornby tooling's have so much potential in the railroad range in my opinion. although that might not be the case anymore since even the prices for the railroad models are being raised quite a lot .


When I saw a screenshot of this on Hornby website, I thought the livery was stickers. So I guess it is not all bad.


Back in 1970 Triang Hornby did a trainset to go with the original film. Unfortunately they didn't make the pannier tank engine until 1972 so they used the Jinty reliveried instead. It is now a collector's item.


Never reviewed a foodstuff before… how can you be forgetting the staple of all our diets, modelrailwayman’s broth.

On another note I would genuinely really like to know why Studiocanal opted to use that livery for the film. It doesn’t change the look/appeal loco the dramatically (like the brown did for the pannier in the first film) but as you pointed out it will definitely put some enthusiasts off the film.


I wonder what it will look like in the film. The odd looking LMS on the tender is down to it being a vinyl covering the BR crest...Bahamas was the same. Wonder if they tidied up the frame round the lettering in post production?


The thing I find surprising is that I can’t believe that’s the same actual tool if that makes sense. Tools do need replacing from time to time and can’t quite believe but in order to redo that it probably means it has to be drawn in modern CAD.
TBF to Hornby as a collectors item (which so much of their strategy seems to be geared towards - which is odd as their mechanisms can be very good) the box art is fantastic.
Great job at being up front about the gift.


Saw the movie, thought it was good although I’ve never seen the original, but have seen the original Pannier Tank in person


I have the original Railway Children set and the Bachmann (with extra coaches). I pre-ordered this loco and I am really pleased with it. I ran it with 9 coaches with ease on my club layout and I am sure it would pull more quite easily too. It looks nice with LMS coaches. Whether something is any good or not is very subjective. It's not throwing money away if you are pleased with the purchase. I have the Bachmann verson too.


you can hear that desperate crunch on the chocolate thing i forgot what theyre called already. really good video sam
