Husband Discovers Wife's cheating & Takes Swift Revenge.CheatingWifeStory,InfidelityStory,AudioStory

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Husband Discovers Wife's cheating & Takes Swift Revenge. Cheating wife Story, Infidelity Story, Audio Story
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I'm not begging. I'm cutting ties as soon as possible and letting the cheater go about their selfish way. Let that love go sour and move on


The Ritz Carlton for $100 na night? Did this occur in 1986?


She destroyed the relationship with her husband and the trust will never be the same, the husband should have just got a divorce and not put him self in the position of having to monitor his wife because he would never trust her again.
When she wanted to act like a single woman then you make her a single woman.


Wow why do you leave a good man for a cheating rogue, a man with no conscious, at all, Do you feel all right, Don't think so, your hubby pleaded with you not to go, but you deserved what you got


And in the end at the 34:45 minute mark, OP shows everybody that he always has been and always will be nothing but common variety Simp. He acted appropriately distance himself from his wife, and then turns around and offers her counseling to see if they could save their marriage. What an idiot.


Less than a minute to the college mention was made!!! Every time! Please someone prove me Every story mentions college, every single story! Why is college MANDATORY in every Every time I think maybe this will be the story that doesn’t mention college but nope it ALWAYS pops up! Why it’s crazy to think how successful EVERY ONE in these stories So he made a lawn mowing business and turned it into a multibillion dollar transnational corporation! Amazing, hubby can turn his lawn mower into mega-Tokyo yet hubby can never see what’s going on under his nose! lol


Every time I hear this one I appreciate it.


Great story, swift measured justifiable retribution, and it worked! Yay team.


I'f a man or woman does this there partner it's time to leave them ASAP!!!!


“Give me this one night to see how it goes.”

See how it goes? So, if it goes well, then you’ll ask/demand more nights or just leave?

“It’s just one date. Just one night. Can’t you give me that?”

She already indicate she wanted to see how it goes, indicating she may do more later.


As soon as someone says something this stupid divorce them. Women can not be this stupid can they? Yes, , yes they can. Just another example of why no man in his right mind marries until divorce laws are changed to at fault for divorce. I would not care who the guy was. Never ever forgive a cheater for any reason. He made a mistake staying with her.


Dinner is still cheating. Doesn’t make her less a 304 and the dancing and touching is physical cheating.


In my 69 years, I have never laid a hand on a woman in anger, in my life even though my ex gave me plenty of reasons in our 5 years. If my wife ever proposed some $HIT of any resemblance to this, she would be perfectly safe with me right up to the moment where she accuses me of acting childish or immature. This is where her lights go out for a few days and I walk into the jailhouse with a smile on my face.

So, I'm guessing the escort proved to be the ideal Candy--date???


Not reading! Act like immature teenagers destroying trust and feelings.


What I want to know did the OP’s wife wear stockings with garters for him??


I’m sorry but I’m just not buying the premise that women believe it’s ok to date other men because of course hubby will allow it. She’s earned it for being good for 20 years. lol. No one I’ve ever known thinks this way! This is a way of thinking that a guy made up in his head to explain why women cheat. There is not an epidemic of women thinking this way. It’s all to set up an easy cheating story to make women sound ridiculous and pump up the men listening to the story to get them foaming at the mouth!


What does it matter when he already took revenge on her for sleeping with another woman in their marital bed 🛌
