C++ Project : Student Record Management System - C++ projects #shorts
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This program is a console-based student record management system that allows users to perform various operations related to student records. Here's a brief overview of what the program does:
1. It defines a set of arrays to store information about students, including their names, roll numbers, sections, courses, CGPA, midterm marks, and quiz marks. The maximum number of records is set to 100.
2. It presents a menu to the user with various options, such as viewing a student record, inserting a new record, altering a record, and performing various queries on the data.
3. The program uses a while loop to repeatedly display the menu and wait for the user's choice.
4. Depending on the user's choice, the program performs the following actions:
* Viewing a student record (by roll number).
* Inserting a new student record into the system.
* Altering the mid-term marks of a student.
* Showing records of students in a specific section.
* Showing records of students in a specific course.
* Showing the student with the highest CGPA.
* Showing the student with the lowest CGPA.
* Showing students with mid-term marks less than 50.
* Showing students with zero marks in Quiz 2.
* Showing students with a CGPA less than 2.0.
* Altering the mid-term, Quiz 1, Quiz 2, or Quiz 3 marks of a student.
* Displaying all the records.
* Exiting the program.
5. The program uses various loops to iterate through the stored student records and perform the requested operations, such as searching for a specific roll number, filtering records by section or course, finding the highest or lowest CGPA, and so on.
6. After each operation, the program provides appropriate feedback to the user, such as whether the operation was successful or if any errors occurred.
7. The program continues running until the user chooses to exit by selecting option 16.
Overall, this program serves as a basic student record management system, allowing users to interact with and manipulate student data.
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1. It defines a set of arrays to store information about students, including their names, roll numbers, sections, courses, CGPA, midterm marks, and quiz marks. The maximum number of records is set to 100.
2. It presents a menu to the user with various options, such as viewing a student record, inserting a new record, altering a record, and performing various queries on the data.
3. The program uses a while loop to repeatedly display the menu and wait for the user's choice.
4. Depending on the user's choice, the program performs the following actions:
* Viewing a student record (by roll number).
* Inserting a new student record into the system.
* Altering the mid-term marks of a student.
* Showing records of students in a specific section.
* Showing records of students in a specific course.
* Showing the student with the highest CGPA.
* Showing the student with the lowest CGPA.
* Showing students with mid-term marks less than 50.
* Showing students with zero marks in Quiz 2.
* Showing students with a CGPA less than 2.0.
* Altering the mid-term, Quiz 1, Quiz 2, or Quiz 3 marks of a student.
* Displaying all the records.
* Exiting the program.
5. The program uses various loops to iterate through the stored student records and perform the requested operations, such as searching for a specific roll number, filtering records by section or course, finding the highest or lowest CGPA, and so on.
6. After each operation, the program provides appropriate feedback to the user, such as whether the operation was successful or if any errors occurred.
7. The program continues running until the user chooses to exit by selecting option 16.
Overall, this program serves as a basic student record management system, allowing users to interact with and manipulate student data.
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