Browser Access Installation: SAP Business One 9.2 / 9.3: Part 2/2

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//--Ways to support me so I make more videos

//--Video Description
Mike Taylor shows you how to install SSL certificates on the Browser Access system for SAP® Business One.

//--Code from Video
1. Stop SLD service
2. Open Command Prompt (run then cmd /admin)
3. Go C:\Program Files (x86)\sap\SAP Business One ServerTools\System Landscape Directory\tools
5. Input sld tomcat path: C:\Program Files (x86)\sap\SAP Business One ServerTools\Common\tomcat
7. Input certificate password: *
8. Start SLD service
9. (Optional) You *may* have to repair the server tools. Just run the package from your SAP installer, select "Repair" and this has worked well if the SLD does not respond after installing the SSL certificate
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Dear Michael, thanks a lot you made a great video, it solved my web access issue


Hi Mike, great video. Do you know how to proceed if the system is on HANA, so we have the SLD installed on a Linux server, and the web access on a windows server. The step #3: run update_https_certificate.bat, there's a script in linux which is, but what about the sld tomcat path? Should we use the one installed in the linux server?


Hi Mike. Do you know if it is necessary to do something additionally in the installation of browser access on SAP FP 2111 SQL? when using certificate. Thanks.


Hi Mike. Thank you for the video. I have successfully installed the brower access and I can use it externally thanks to your first video. Now I facing a issue with the SSL certificate. I have puchased one SSL from digicert, but I cannot do the setup in Business one. After completing steps in this video, I can no longer access to the business one externally. I have http 500 error message.

Back to SAP documentation, I see that they recommand to use reverse proxy with nginx, but I did configuration for external access with NAT/PAT.
Now I'm trying the external access configuration and SSL using reverse proxy with nginx. Can you please tell me if below steps are correct ?
1 - Enable OpenSLL (I see a documentation in your website)
2 - Configure an nginx reverse proxy (by folowing the How To Deploy B1 w/ BA)
3 - Install SSL
Does these steps are correct ? Do I miss anything ?
Thanks in advance.


Hi Mike I have installed the web client of SAP B1 but forgot to enter the SSL certificate. Web Client is not working without ssl. There is another way to install the SSL certificate on the web client. So please tell how to uninstall web client


Hi Mr.Michael, can i ask you something about set up browser access in EC2 server ?


hey . i installed web access from sap 9.3 pl 05, and i can to connect to web aceess only from local network. when i try to register
from other place i cant to register to web access but to sld and integration frameworl i succeed to register. i did port forwarding to ports :8443, 8100, 30000, 40000. when i try to register its loading for a moment and then i get error that ip address not found


Hi Mike thanks for Video, Please tell me one thing why do we need to configure SSL certificate as you shown internally /externally SAP web access in your 1st video of same ?


Please tell me how to store SSL certificate in SAP Cloud control center and how to create PKCS#12 certificate .pfx file


Hi Mike,

I have an SAP B1 Addon but how to enable this on Browser acess?

Thanks in advance


Gave this a shot and was able to get it working but had to do some funky workarounds.. Checked out the .bat file to see exactly what it was editing, and found the server file that it's modifying. Was able to replicate the same procedure and copy paste contents (from the -during- installation process which modified a different server.xml file, and was able to copy/paste over the encrypted password/ file location etc, and it worked. For some reason, even running as administrator, it didn't modify correctly.

I wanted to jump in here to ask a completely unrelated question though and see if you might have the answer.
Do you know how to increase the idle time a user can be connected to the BAS before they get kicked out/ need to log back in?


Will be continued sap BO 10.0 story? im stuck again with certificate


Hi, i assign SSL same the video guide but it work on SLD but it not working web access. When i access to your Ip public then it not working ssl it only working with SLD


Hi Mike, Great video! It's the only useful resource I could find on the subject. Have you had any experience of ensuring a server is PCI compliant? I.e. disabling SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0 and any weak ciphers. When I do this I'm unable to use the client application, or connect to the SLD or browser access without certificate errors. I fully admit to having little or no understanding of SSL certificates. I have read a few things about changing the ciphers with no success.


Nice video Mike ..
by the way . we can cooperate to make video showing people how to use nginx reverse proxy for the Web Access if you want .
nginx gives you more security and flexibility as it keeps the server and it's ports hidden :)


Dear Mike, is there any way to create a trusted .pfx certificate to work with Browser Access the way you did with the mobile app? That autossl tool was awesome! Any chance it could work for this? I've tried using guides on the internet but I kinda messed up the SLD and had to reinstall... Thanks in advance!


Dear mike, How to update certificate ssl for service layer version 10 using database SQL?


Hi Mike, You video very useful . How to istall ssl certificate for 64bit like SAP Version 10 fp2208


I just did the .bat file thing and now I can't connect to the SLD anymore. SAP B1 is still accessible thru the normal client but I can't connect to control center anymore. Can it be because I didn't uninstall/install the gatekeeper before running the batfile and add the certificate? Of course I can't do this now since the SLD is not available.


Hi Michael. There is anything I have to change for external access? I did all of this with my server name, installed the certificate withing Gatekeeper installation, made the External Acess configuration on SLD but I still get the SSL error when I acess B1 through Web (Chrome, IE, etc). I have an url that I point to my server, I have to change anything from this steps?

Also, the certificate will be avaiable on IIS? Because when I look to ISS there is no certificate there, when I access Digicert to look the certificate, it doesn't recognize the certificate I've installed with this steps.
