Lovely version of a great Lerner and Lowe tune! Sounds great, Tony!
We need more songs like this in today’s era. We need to learn to fall in love again.
100% class. Although I've never been to a top notch jazz club in NYC, this is what I imagine it would sound like. Thanks for this lovely rendition, Tony. 👍
Just great! We definitely need your music more than ever, listening to you is just being in heaven! Thank you Toni!!
❤️✨ I was just thinking the other day that you are too rare singing, and here you are ! We are all waiting for a live concert 🤞
I love your singing and playing piano. Just beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing!
A beautiful inspiring rendering and lovely performance - absolutely wonderful voicings - so good to listen to over and over.
So classy, well done! Such a pleasure to listen to you!
Thank you for that gem. That's a really lovely tune that is not heard enough.
Beautifully done, Tony, kudos! Thanks again for your generosity in sharing...
What a treat to hear this performance first thing in the morning, Tony. There's nothing like an ol' pro doing his thing. That was marvelous - thank you.
Lovely to hear you singing Tony!
Thanks for brightening our lockdown
All the best & keep playing!
Connie in Australia :)
Great job, thanks for all your contributions to jazz music with your lessons ; I really enjoy them... and their free ... great job ... beautiful song and great job singing it
Really, really well done. What a pleasure to be able to listen and learn from Tony!
Such talent! I love your phasing. Great breath control. Amazing feat to do while seated. Sounds like you’re effortlessly floating on each note. And your playing is always superb. Thanks for giving us that. —Jamie
Absolute perfection. 🌹🌹🌹Winston FanGirl😎
Reminds me of Chet Baker, but with a smoother more conventional voice like Frank Sinatra or Mel Torme.
🎵Marvellous Tony! Always enjoy your videos and these piano/vocal accompaniment ones are especially wonderful and informative as well as enjoy listening to your beautiful vocal and piano. Theres so much to learn from these jazz piano college postings. Looking forward to the tutorial. Thanks for posting. Cheers! 👍🎵