Army Ranger Recounts an Intense Moment of War During Ambush

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I'm a combat veteran myself and this is why I don't like to speak about it. Because in our heads we can still visualize everything from combat and surviving it by the grace of God. I'm only 33 years old and served 2011-2015 and was in Afghanistan for 11 months. My brothers that didn't make it home yes I have survivors guilt everyday and would trade places if I could but it's a lot mentally to talk about because it brings back the memories and smells and noises which are not what people think 😔💔. Salute to my brothers and sisters in arms and for our fallen brothers and sisters we love you very much 🇺🇲💪❤️


When he said "it was intense bro" im just imagining the chaos. Bullets flying, dudes fighting and killing each other. Just madness.


You are Loved and respected brother. I was a NAVY Airman F-14's .. Was in war too. Nothing like yours. Truly Appreciated. You and all Military people


He's reliving it and remembering his friends.😢

Training can only prepare you so much for the realities of war.


Thank you bro. Respect. I served 25 years Army. 6 deployments.


Sir..thank you for your a native American, it makes me and my people so proud to have you on our side..Thank you for the heart and soul u dedicated yourself each day you fought for us


Being recently diagnosed for PTSD for multiple deployments as medic and finally getting the help I needed saved my life. To even talk about certain situations is almost physically and mentally exhausting, God bless this man.


Nick, if it means anything to you, I still have my pristine copy of Soldier of Fortune with you on the cover. You're a bad MoFo and absolute professional. Your indentured service to this country is very much appreciated by my family and me. Thank you for what you did, thank you for what you do, and most of all thank you for coming home. Peace brother ✌️☮️🇺🇸💪❤️


I can see the emotions is his eyes as he retells this story. I still remember stories and events from my first deployment in Mosul 2004. AI have been serving for over 26 years and I have done four deployments to Iraq 🇮🇶. No one truly understands what veterans go through unless you served


Hard to “tap that like button” on stories like this, so I’m just here to say Thank You. Thank You for your service doesnt suffice but Thank YOU and for sharing your account. Those Men will never be forgotten.


The turmoil these men go through after coming back from fighting for wars they didn't start is heartbreaking. They get nothing for that. Crap benefits, pharmaceuticals, life long relived trauma....fighting for a country that will never give them back what they themselves were willing to sacrifice. God bless this man, sending prayers for healing and a life of peace.


Man…. The emotion I felt from just 15 seconds…. Idk if I could really sit there with this man, face to face… and not cry more than He.
Thank God for Men and Women, such as this perfect example here.


Saying “Thank you for your service” just doesnt seem good enough! 🙏


I been in the streets shooting & fighting in cells with ppl that look just like me, celebrating the same holidays as me for years….. but I realized what I was doing was for nothing!
What this brother did was for our country, might not be happy with how everything goes in the USA but I’m happy to know we are protected by some real brave men/women.
I GIVE SALUTATIONS, & APPRECIATE YOU GUYS SACRIFICES to keep my daughters, & peers safe.
I wish we didn’t have wars, just understandings.


Thank you SO much for your service. I’m a tough woman. I’ve survived many heartbreaks. But when a good man cries I come undone.


Those kinds of experiences in combat is exactly why I have to find something to focus on or distract myself with almost every spare moment of the day. I watch about a good solid hour of cartoons with my kid before I go to bed every night, and even that doesn't stop me from dreaming about it. To all of my fellow soldiers and vet's affected by war, may God bless you and shed his grace us. 🙏


I’ve done this multiple times recounting memories. Tears would just stream from my eyes as I’m telling it and sometimes I don’t even react to the tears, they just fall as I’m telling the story. Happened a few months back at the dinner table with the family sitting around. They all looked at me like a stranger. I don’t even talk about these things with non-vets anymore after that


I just recently been watching this dude, I’ve been tapped in since. You can tell he’s a super genuine guy.


I’ve watched this dude on YouTube for awhile. Really humble good dude. Us Americans are grateful for what you service men and women did for us after 9/11. Our government may have forgotten a lot of you guys but your peers didn’t!


Thank you for your service. My uncle, who guarded the President of Panama during the Vietnam War in a cave. He would kinda talk a little about what he experienced until one day he showed me his shoulder. He received a Bronze Star. Was an intelligence officer as well. Brilliant man.
