[amv] owari no seraph | seraph of the end - hayloft II

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flash warning! (at this point every video of mine should have one)

I had this edit finished for a while, but I kept forgetting about it... haha haha haha ha (and every time I remembered that I had it all rendered and ready to post, I would realise I have yet to do the thumbnail and wow.. that's WAY too much effort if you ask me, lol). yes, I can't write anything without using brackets because sometimes i have too much to say ANYWAY,

I love Krul.

this is not my best edit, I mean it's meant to be simple, but ??? it could be better, you know. well, I never properly cut this show even if I like the series so much (read the manga you won't regret), but this is what came out of it and if i had it ready for so long then it might as well be posted, right? and wow 50 seconds, impossible! I really enjoyed making the thumbnail, it's pretty cute.

thank you for reading,
thank you for watching,
thank you for existing,

byeeee ♥


media: owari no seraph / seraph of the end
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The scenes flow perfectly together and I love that you left some sound effects in, this is an INCREDIBLE edit!


🥳🥳🥳 hachi slaying again. I love how you used dialogues and ut fits so well.


I love serif of the end and this is a great amv/edit- keep up the good work!
P.s. I also enjoyed the sound effects


SO SO SO GOOD 😭❤️ The colouring on this one is insane, love the pinks and blues used here and everything flows so so nicely. You know how hyped I got when you said you'll upload it because I remember loving this when you showed me while you were still editing it. And watching it again I'm reminded why I love it. I can't pick one section as my favourite because honestly it all is. Fantastic!


Almost a minute of pure art (and happiness coming from watching it!). I love this girl's character from the end, so cute! Great effects and colors, as always haha. And everything perfect matches music <3 So glad to see something from you again <3


"I love Krul" - I can really relate to this, Krul has been my profile pic in MAL for years. ^^
Yet again, fluent editing, great choice of scenes + adding fitting sound effects/quotes. Also, as a fellow manga reader without spoilering, I hope all works out fine for Krul! P.S.: That Shinoa laugh at 0:41. :D


Jak epicko to wyszło, a jednocześnie czujesz atmosferę, jakbyś był powoli wciskany w ziemię. Uwielbiam waszą atmosferę i te piękne głosy-sfx ^^
A dlaczego nie robisz napisów po polsku? Słowianom zazwyczaj łatwiej jest zrozumieć język sąsiada niż angielski x)
I tak, zapomniałem powiedzieć, że korekcja kolorów jest dobra :>
