Is the Pendulum Swinging in the Culture War? Is Woke on the way out?

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Ben Stiller refuses to apologise for Tropic Thunder and says he's super proud of the movie. Ben Stiller is standing by his film Tropic Thunder despite years of controversy. The man behind the movie's lead character Tugg Speedman hit back at a tweet claiming he had apologised for appearing in the controversial 2007 movie, which sends up multiple stereotypes and features Robert Downey Jr. in blackface.

"I make no apologies for Tropic Thunder. Don't know who told you that. It's always been a controversial movie since when we opened," he tweeted.

Stiller added: "Proud of it and the work everyone did on it."

"Even funnier now, with cancel culture the way it is. It's a MOVIE. Ya'll [sic] can just get over it.

"I was DYING laughing when I first saw it back in the day and so was everyone else."

Despite Stiller emphasising he was not apologising for the film, the Twitter user replied: "I'm guessing people saw this.... and took it, misconstrued it and ran with it.

The Twitter user also did not acknowledge that they had done precisely that.

Instead, they doubled down, adding: "I stand with you bro."

The Twitter user shared a tweet from Stiller from 2018 that read: "Actually Tropic Thunder was boycotted 10 years ago when it came out, and I apologised then.

"It was always meant to make fun of actors trying to do anything to win awards."

Others praised Ben Stiller for not feeling pressured into an apology for his past work.

One Twitter user responded: "Good for you. People have to not let themselves be 'bullied' into apologies for comedy routines, literature, films, or art they produced."
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Don't negotiate with the Twitter mob.


People are tired of it. The constant moving of the goal post makes it impossible to stay in their demands. What was perfectly ok yesterday is now every "ism" and "phobic" today.


God I’m tired of Disney’s woke agenda. Make stuff that’s going to entertain us again!!!


It's a win when the critics stop simping the movie industry and instead start seeing the woke shyte movie goers see and don't want to pay for.


I can only hope that the pendulum is swinging in the direction of sanity. That written, Hollywierd is seemingly doubling down on that nonsense.


I dunno about a pendulum but there's something swinging around heyah. HAIL


If you're looking forward to seeing the light at the end of this very long tunnel, hit that subscribe button!


We are sick of every movie being turned into the Black Lesbian no binary lead character bashing the straight white man. Disney is notorious for this, and it's crazy. Leave the characters in classic movies and books as they are. Here is a revelation for you, make your own story and make the characters anything you want them to be. Hire some oh, I don't know good writers. Build a story that shows the character struggle and grow and watch how much more people will like it. The entire world isn't racist and sexist. We don't want to be slapped in the face at every turn.


Missing diversity can make a good film bad. But adding diversity does not make a bad film good.
