Level UP: Tiny Mario and Tiny Luigi open their Christmas Presents (2022 Christmas Special)

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Tiny Mario and Tiny Luigi have lots of presents to open on Christmas morning! But... what are they gonna get?
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! Here's my present for you to open on Christmas morning 😄 I hope you all have an amazing Christmas!
Mail me stuff ✉️ at:
Level UP
PO Box 4390
Rome, NY 13442
COPPA COMPLIANCE - There are NO ABCs, sing alongs, child education content or ANY kids only content on Level UP. All content here is rated E for everyone, my content is for people of all ages to enjoy.
Characters and Music by Nintendo/Paulygon/Heatleybros
Snow Land remix by Paulygon:
8 Bit summer (outro theme) by HeatleyBros:
#LevelUP #ChristmasSpecial
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! Here's my present for you to open on Christmas morning 😄 I hope you all have an amazing Christmas!
Mail me stuff ✉️ at:
Level UP
PO Box 4390
Rome, NY 13442
COPPA COMPLIANCE - There are NO ABCs, sing alongs, child education content or ANY kids only content on Level UP. All content here is rated E for everyone, my content is for people of all ages to enjoy.
Characters and Music by Nintendo/Paulygon/Heatleybros
Snow Land remix by Paulygon:
8 Bit summer (outro theme) by HeatleyBros:
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