Can You Copyright an AI Generated Book?

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Any time I hear about a company taking a fiction work and altering it just enough to copyright it anew I remember that old Beatles Song, Paperback Writer, from 1966. IP laws have been worked around since they were created. I find it fun to observe how creative people can get when facing such a challenge, even when I don't like what they did.

Perhaps the Copyright office should ask Chat GPT to write the new copyright law.


I just found your YT today. First thought was, wow, I bet he would be fun to game with! The AI content is amazing. Thanks so much for all the effort you are putting into these vids.


WOW! I also was thinking heavily about Creative Commons or something like that. At least some alternative way of licensing. And I also think that copyright law and copyright in general will have to change. The paradigms shift in so many areas because of AI and copyright is one of the things that will not escape it as well. :)


The thing with pirating is that it creates social proof. Similarly how we offer permafree books and use those to capture a reader base and create validation in eyes of potential buyers. The interest and validation then can be used to funnel in the series. I use this method if I'm launching a series: offer free book and use it to promote like 3-5 books from the series (launch them at the same time). Then basically promote new books off that free book and the initial launch books. (Like you would do if you started a commerical YouTube channel). Oh. And I make the permafree available for use in libraries and with teaching resources if the book series is aimed at little kids. Will intentionally make it about some problem they need to teach in class and give them free lesson plans around the book.


I'm going to use AI to write the submission to the Copyright office, arguing for the right to copyright AI-assisted works. I'm sure I won't be the only one. AI will be speaking on behalf of itself. Wild times.


I am an older burgeoning writer/author. Never sought publication for my works as yet, but I would not hesitate to use ai to assist in the first draft of a book, so long as I was the only one to edit before publication.


Would the existing 'ready-mades' art works by the likes of Marcel Duchamp, et al, lose their 'copyrighted' status due to a lack of the artist's hands being involved in the actual manufacture of the found objects they arranged into a configuration and then called sculptures?


Is it possible to drop a book as a public domain? Or embrace the ai generated content and release it with no copyright knowing that others can’t copyright it either?


If you look up Michael Anderle you will see he has done exactly what you're talking about. Created a world and opened it for other authors to build on. He's attributed to something like 2200+ books at this point, through his own publishing house. There's definitely something to it. Interestingly enough I've found that a bunch of these AI detectors have trigger saying text I wrote without using AI was AI generated. I think we're already reaching that point where detection is unreliable and wouldn't hold up in a copyright dispute.


When an AI can "notice" where its latest output needs to be foreshadowed and decide the best scene for it, when it can appreciate character growth and connect wounds and flaws with choices, the climax, and the themes, we are in trouble. Just creating larger LLMs will not lead to emergent behaviour/realized strategy. ChatGPT's plugins and the way it's made from 16 LLMs working together are on this path. At the moment, after an AI finishes its output, it's not mulling over the conversation, just waiting. Future AI will be constantly reconsidering and popping out extra thoughts without user interaction. Imagine where saved chats down the right of the interface have badges indicating further thoughts about previous interactions, where the AI has had an idea about what was previously said. It will easily identify plagiarism and be able to fix it. What will be depressing is when an Amazon AI can take a reader's general prompt and create a masterpiece series on the fly.


The Grateful Dead encouraged people to record their concerts and distribute the tapes amongst fans. They were extremely successful by giving away their music.


Good to know. I feared my work might get stolen if I self-published them without a copyright claim.


People are already using Ai on the their written works and throwing a copyright on it. Nobody can tell if they written it themselves or used Ai. It's easy to bypass Ai detectors now. Just ask the kids in school lol.


You should look up uniquenameosaurus who is anti copyright and started creating a fully public domain Web novel and comic.


I would love it if copyright was less restrictive and just give the original author royalty share for published "Fan fiction"


I mean what is ghostwriting? Isn’t that basically what Ai is?


You can't copyright ai produced content, and I don't think you should be able to. And you should be going over the content and improving it as the base content is usually mediocre.
What you can probably copyright is the organised chapters in a book.
This is all assuming you admit to using AI which I think the uniqueness of it being ai produced is over.


Another good video. This is why I want my books to be free. Hopefully my books will speak for themselves and people will donate to me on their on volition, and hopefully places like youtube will pay me for the ad revenue that i hope to bring from the views. I do think even if my books are free i will still need to copyright them so others don't steal them and try to sell them instead.


Yeah, guided by a human hand needs to be defined. Especially since this technology is being used to produce CP. I know you can't really talk about it on YouTube but it is a concern that needs addressing.


Yes you can, your AI subscrption, your prompt, your result, your book, HELL YES YOU CAN !!!
