Opening the HIDDEN DOOR! Our French Chateau Petit Salon Renovation

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Journey to the Château, Ep. 216 - In this episode, Patrick and Stuart continue the renovation and restoration in the Petit Salon of the Chateau de Colombe. Patrick prepares for the paint and wallpaper with plastering repairs and sanding. With the wall sizing completed, he shows how they use lining paper on the walls to create a smoother surface and for stain blocking before applying the final paint and wallpaper. Patrick and Stuart also open a hidden door in the alcove that was uncovered when the 20th century wallpaper was removed.


Divine Ascension, by Steve Oxen
From Fesliyan Studios

Lost Souls, by Steve Oxen
From Fesliyan Studios

Vivaldi: Autumn (Full Track) by Antonio Lucio Vivaldi
Originally published by Notepad Music (PRS)
Licensed purchased from NEO Sounds Ltd.

Symphony No.38 in D major, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Performed by A Far Cry
From YouTube Audio Library


Join Patrick and Stuart on their journey to find a neglected, forgotten, or crumbling château or castle in France, and then continue to follow them as they work on its restoration, rénovation, decoration, and furnishing. Along the way, they will also create and share videos on their preparation for having gîtes for guests, and an event venue in their chateau (wedding, birthday, anniversary, organization or club meetings, retreats, etc.).

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Château de Colombe
22 Lieu-dit Colombe
Saint-Baudel 18160

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The lining paper is a clever solution, it must be close to impossible to replaster such old walls evenly. The wallpaper choice, the hidden door, the music - all beautiful 👏👏👏


A hidden door? How fascinating. A relative of mine found a hidden door in their 19th century house and found a room that had been sealed up for decades. Wasn't even mentioned on the floor plans. Turned out to be a nursey, which had been sealed up after the child passed away. I remember using lining paper back in the 1980s when I was apprenticed to my dad, who was a painter and decorator (I later trained as a doctor haha). It's easier and saves so much time than replastering.


Stuart your videos just keep getting better you and Patrick need a mini vacation it's all looking stunning


I do love a secret door to the secret room. Great historical find. Well, the wallpaper is sorted look forward to it being hung it’s going to be lovely. The Petite Salon will be glorious. Thank you Patrick and Stuart ❤


I was plumping for the blue wallpaper (something different) but appreciate the green it’s elegant and Chateau esq.. 😇👍


Love those hidden doors, but most led to a chamber pot lol 😅 .. yes, you can only plaster so much unless you're an expert, nearly Patrick 😂


Patrick, you are the 'plaster specialist'! Your smooth approach to applying the plaster, smoothing it and then sanding, then applying the lining paper, accompanied by Stuart's excellent music choice and excellent video ability! Who would have thought that something like this could peak my interest and make me smile.... but it does!!! Wait, then there was the opening of the hidden door!!!! What a team!


Your doing a great job plastering Patrick it's a epic task the secret door and the story that goes with it love the patrons insights your both are doing a brilliant job cheers guys


The hidden door is so neat. That wallpaper will be perfect for the room.😊


I am so glad you are using the green wallpaper. It is so beautiful. Good job 😊


Some wonderful projects!!! 🥰❤️❤️❤️🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🏰🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷


What a brilliant job you have done! Lining paper is a godsend when decorating and aging property! Yey the green! I love that one! ❤ we love a hidden door I must have missed that one 😮!! P.s those flowers behind you are gorgeous ❤ great job guys 😊😊


I admire both of you so you for sharing all of the wonderful things that you are doing!


Hi darling Stuart and Patrick, thanks for another interesting vlog. It must be a great feeling to uncover something new when you are renovating a room. I like the explanation about the pecking order of how important the guests were by which room that they put in.
The lining paper we use over here is slightly thicker than the one you used and it does cover a multitude of lumps bumps etc .
You did a great job on the walls Patrick, the prep work is the most important job of all and by the way may I say that you have a fine pair of legs darling.😄😂
Lots of love and hugs to you both. 🥰🥰🇨🇮


Your knowledge of the chateau is very impressive.


I wish you a great Summer, do get out in the Sun and take good care of your relationship, never ignore that. You DO look happy together, that is when to continue. Respect for the historic details and craftmanship you both have. Enjoy Life


I LOVE the hidden door idea. I plan to incorporate one into my garage-o-minium which will open up to the narrow utility room under the stairs. The item that will hide the doorway will be a 7' bookshelf on rollers with a heavy trim along the bottom to hide the wheels. I have always been intrigued by hidden doorways, and yours is the oldest that I have seen. Thank you for sharing your treasure with us. It is inspirational.


Love the what do the call it, the modesty door? It is an excellent idea to bring it back. And so happy the elegant green wallpaper is going up! Again, well done gentlemen, 😘😘


The look on Your face Patrick, at the prospect of more plastering and sanding ❤ I'm really happy you guys are happy with the choice of wallpaper ❤😊
I love the idea that the alcove has a secret door and that you are going to disguise it with the decor.
No wonder you are gaining more subscribers your channel is upbeat, and I love your content ❤😊👋


Hi sweeties, it's already looking good, even without the wallpaper. It will be such a transformation when the wallpaper is put up in combination with the two-tone paint. 👌 How is the weather in Saint-Baudel? Here, after a week of warm weather with no rain, it's turned to colder temperatures and rain. ☔️ Your chateau is beautiful as it is, you maybe proud to call it your home. Most people live in modest houses or apartments as you live in a Chateau🏰. Have a great evening. Hugs and kisses also for the furries 🥰😘❤️🐕
