UPDATE Husband Threw Me Out while Pregnant Cos A Friend's Wife Claimed I Was Having Office Affairs

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#AITA #Parenting #Family

Story 1:
[39F][41M] I know that my husband regrets throwing me out but I can’t rush my healing; update
Story 2:
My boyfriend asked for a paternity test for our child. As soon as the results come and show he is the father, I'm leaving him.
Story 3:
[32F][32F][34M] My best friend's husband confessed his feelings for me. Her life was very difficult and she says she's finally happy. How do I tell her?

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Story 1: UPDATE 4:27
Story 2: 9:15
Story 3: 12:43


I am no lawyer but isn't ruining a marriage by lying about a spouse's infidelity something you can SUE over? I think its called DEFAMATION? She should sue that witch.


Story 1 - So we're not gonna talk about how OP'S own parents also thought OP was cheating? This isn't just her husband, but the whole lot needs help.


Story 1- this marriage is over. No matter how OP tries to dress it up. Husband believed someone else and slept with others.


S1: So let me see if I get this straight. Someone hits on OP's husband, gets mad at being rejected. Outs herself as a harlot while accusing OP of the same. And he believed her??? And threw her out, and slept with other women before even getting the pat-test results? I don't think so! He was looking for a cheap license to cheat.

I'm so glad OP is ripping the band-aid off, and throwing his worthless arse out. Her future kid does not need a toxic trust-less love-less shell of a family. I don't think their marriage can recover from his actions. She should file for legal separation, if that's a thing.


S1 Don't stay for the kid. I actually encouraged my mom to divorce my dad when I was child. I could notice something was wrong. A lot of kids are young but they're not stupid or unobservant.


I can just sigh everytime 'staying for the kid' mentioned...
Poor kid...


Main story:

I don't think OP even knows if Ali actually said that she cheated. That's what her "husband" said. And how convenient the "affair partner" is someone he hated.


Story 1 No dis to op but he cheated on her while he thought that she cheated on him. That revenge affair bs is unforgivable. I wouldn't give him another chance


He threw you out while pregnant. What’s to stop him from throwing you out with an infant or toddler? I’m glad you saw the light but protect your baby, leave him. He didn’t care about baby because of something his friend said. My husband has protected my baby and me even if his family looked at us wrong. Let alone some trashy coworker.


Story 1: I get similar vibes from the husband as people who ask for an open relationship in an already established relationship. I think he wanted to cheat and already had people in mind he wanted to sleep with, he was just looking for an excuse, which Ali gave him on a silver platter. He was only remorseful after he was given overwhelming evidence that idly was a lie and knew he’d be the bad guy if it continued. He’s not sorry he didn’t believe OP. I honestly think he wanted an out from being married and a father. It just massively backfired.


That would be an epic dealbreaker for me if my partner chose to believe some crazy person over the person they love in the first story. And I’m glad Op has enough common sense not to stay with this guy. Really shows where his priorities lie and no matter how guilty he feels this isn’t something you can easily say I’m sorry to. He’s made his choice now he has to deal with the consequences


I'm confused about nobody in the 1st OP's life believing she didn't cheat on her husband,


Naaaah I'd be done with him after this. Full stop. He'd have broken the marriage like glass and you can't glue that shit back together.


If there is no trust, or 'trust but verify', it should work both ways If paternity tests are normalised then a paternity register should also be normalised. People should be able to easily check on a register how many verified children the man has, their dob and status (adopted, result of donor sperm, details hidden for protection, etc) with an alert if something changes. Too many men lie about not having children, or knock up an affair partner. Women need to know what they're dealing with too.


First story: I wonder how the OP's stepfather would feel if he knew that it was his behavior toward OP that's the reason OP has gone back to her untrusting and untrustworthy husband.


Story 1 what bothers me most is how quickly how OP’s husband was to believe things about his pregnant wife and how he very quickly had sex with other women. I say women because it seems there was more than one woman. Story 3 OP’s troubled friends husband confessing his love to OP, I’d be very wary at telling the friend as she will most probably blame you, the husband will most likely come up with a pack of lies to make him look innocent. Tread carefully would be my advice. TBH I think I would leave well alone.


Story 1: The fact OP took him back while he was so quick to throw her out without even talking to her shows that he doesn't want this marriage. I'd rather be a single Mom than offer my kid a life w someone like him


Found updates from OP in the paternity test story and the bf is a total POS. He had no reason to doubt her but podcasters put the seed of doubt in his head, even when his family was certain it was his baby. His mom even set up him and OP and when she heard about the nonsense tricked the family group chat who was blowing up about it with some photos of her son and grandchild at the same age and all of them thought it was the same kid, so she proved they look almost identical. The OP actually decided not to leave without communication and decided to express her feelings to him and he was surprised that she was feeling so hurt by "such a small thing". They did the test and he looked really relieved, which just added to the hurt. She stayed with him for a few weeks and ended up leaving. Something apparently happened and it was not pretty. She didn't say what, she can't for legal reasons, but she's safe.


"he didn't cheat on me exactly" I don't know if it's husband convincing OP or OP convincing OP but that's some serious tap dancing based on technicalities, just so OP doesn't get to be angry for that.
Also somehow those couples therapy sessions sound traumatizing, like it's a place to bash OP with husband's guilt until she finally forgives him, after all he feels so guilty and destroyed by his own actions. I believe it's called moral kidnapping.
All Ali had was a story and a cheating husband. Not even a picture taken from an "unfortunate" angle. His proof was this third person is cheating so my wife must too. Didn't take him long to start sleeping around at all.
Also even if you try to make it work don't go sleeping together before fixing your issues at least partially. That really bad make up sx will hount their bedroom for a long time.
